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A few bugs have been smashed!

Google: Windows | Mac | Linux | Android - uploading

Mega: Windows | Mac | Linux | Android - uploading


Bugfix 0.0.2b

+ Removed the different morning/evening effects from the day cycle, was too annoying for the eyes.

+ Fixed tiles that you shouldn't be able to walk on inside the sewer.

+ Fixed tiles that you shouldn't be able to walk in the city.

+ Fixed facehugger would fuck you twice.

+ Fixed loading error on battle in the android version.

+ Fixed resisting lust check at 0 lust now makes it harder next time. Formula is 10 + (x+1)2 check threshold becomes 10,12,18 etc... Fourth time will automatically be a failure since roll is limited to 20.

+ Changed the sewer navigation, Residential area, South gate, city central, slum and space port are all reachable from the sewer as shown below.

Space port <--> Slum <--> Residential

Residential <--> City central <--> Milmara south

+ Added a new sci-fi/modern icon set instead of the default rpg maker mv icon set

+ Changed all icon used in the game.

+ Added all exits in Milmara maps to the compass.



chad monk

How do get out of the goblin cave


How do you get out of the black screen


You can only leave the goblin cave using a rope that's randomly appearing inside one of the rng generated rooms.