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It is time to update the public version of A New Dawn. I will keep it two version behind the latest Patreon only version which you can find here. Android release | PC release

Grab the public version of the game below!

Mega: Windows | Mac | Linux

Google: Windows | Mac | Linux

Android version below

(Note that the android version is a different number because it is a different game project. The game split up into two different projects when I tried to fix the animation freezing bugs.)

Google: APK

Mega: APK


Cheers! Yours truly WhiteRaven



+ A new scene Minotaur blowjob Victoria. (6 animations)

+ A new scene with bunny girl, Priapra and Debbie. (10 animations)

+ A new scene Victoria and the jerk. Wife under table blowjob. (6 animations)

+ A new repeatable scene Victoria and the jerk. Wife under table blowjob. (6 animations)

+ A new scene Victoria and the jerk. Cooking food. (4 animations)

+ A new repeatable scene Victoria and the jerk. Cooking food. (4 animations)

+ A new scene Victoria and the jerk. Cleaning dick. (3 animations)

+ A new repeatable scene Victoria and the jerk. Cleaning dick. (3 animations)

+ A new scene Victoria and the jerk. Cleaning dick while pregnant. (3 animations)

+ A new repeatable scene Victoria and the jerk. Cleaning dick while pregnant. (3 animations)

+ A new scene Victoria and the jerk. Wife under table blowjob pregnant. (6 animations)

+ A new repeatable scene Victoria and the jerk. Wife under table blowjob pregnant. (6 animations)

+ A new scene Victoria and the jerk. Cooking food pregnant. (4 animations)

+ A new repeatable scene Victoria and the jerk. Cooking food pregnant. (4 animations)

Shorter scenes (2)

+ Aftermath of minotaur blowjob

+ Aftermath of minotaur blowjob second variation


+ Added 7 new pictures (Total: 1853)

+ Added 42 new animations (Total: 819)

+ A new map, world map

+ A new map, mansion basement

+ A new map, room in castle

+ A new map, base of operation

+ Changed the lone wolf quest

+ Changed the way back quest

+ Changed Gather the girls quest

+ Changed the minotaur king conversation slightly

+ Finished the quest: Infiltrate the orc city

+ 8 new face images for Victoria

+ A new outfit for Victoria

+ A new playable bad ending (Becoming wife to the jerk includes cleaning,

cooking and washing clothes while he fucks Victoria)

+ A new bad end achievement, getting pregnant will still be playable after being pregnant

but you can leave the playable bad end with an item.

+ A new item remove Enrique's wife bad ending

+ A new pregnancy system for the bad end wife, each time Enrique(the jerk) fucks Victoria

the variable increments. variable - percentage chance 1-3-10% | 3-5-20% | 5-8-40% | 8+-80%

each night reduces the variable with 1

+ Changed the quick travel man into a woman and how the quick travel works

+ Changed combing horses, the owner and all conversations

+ Changed the bunny girl walking character

+ Added a new event while being the jerk's wife making food

+ Added a new event if Victoria has taken the bunny girls job and has worked at the brothel she can trick her into working at the brothel.


+ Fixed a lot of older (new) scenes didn't have orgasm event

+ Fixed some typos

+ Fixed picture of Sophie covered Victoria's animations while being taken by the goblins.

+ Fixed picture of Victoria's mother covered the animation during the meanwhile scene.

+ Fixed you could enter "the futa woods" without rescuining Sophie leading to many weird situations.

+ Changed can't use fast travel while having priapra in your party.

+ Changed can't walk towards the human city while Priapra is in your party.

+ Added a new plugin which allows the player to speed up the game, text, walking and even intro, button is "M" use with caution.

+ Fixed if Sarah is a bimbo ending the way back quest would teleport Victoria to wrong map.

+ Fixed if it's not night time when you finish the way back quest Victoria would teleport to the same x/y position but on another map.

+ Fixed conversation with Sarah was doubled.

+ Fixed sleeping with Priapra could lead to never fade in the screen.

+ Fixed going to the orc camp on a day Victoria shouldn't be there allow her to enter the camp.

+ Fixed watching the scene in the pub first night made it impossible for Sophie to start working in the brothel.

+ Added a new plugin which allows the player to hide the text and the textbox by right clicking.

Right clicking again will show the text and the textbox again.

+ Fixed Emma Innkeeper and Victoria scene didn't play.

+ Fixed Emma Innkeeper and Victoria scene second time didn't play.

+ Fixed Amanda the bunny girl could not start if Sarah was a bimbo

+ Fixed if Victoria considered betraying her friends she would get stuck

+ Changed the wagon fast travel will show sign in the city

+ Fixed moved bugtesting event from the wall, could make Victoria pregnant.

+ Fixed Victoria could make dinner more than once every day.

+ Fixed Victoria couldn't get pregnant in the wife route the intentional way.

+ Fixed reverse wife item didn't reset Victoria's outfit.

+ Fixed cooking food as a wife to the jerk didn't give hp

+ Fixed you could never be pregnant as wife to the jerk
