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Those damn bugs... Well most of them is catched now, a big thank you to everyone who report in bugs! Even if it's just a small spelling error am I happy to fix it!

I'm sitting right now and rendering the last pictures to a new scene (In Uxerath) which will be in update 0.1.5. Which will be out 15th june for everyone who have sucesfully pledged 10$. Well I'm also drinking a beer or two, it makes me more creative you know...

I have also made 4 new areas in Uxerath and writing on the storyline (Not finished yet) for Lisa's second visit. 

I want to thank all my patrons for your awsome support! And also remind you all of my weekly polls, where you have a chance to impact the game.

Hope you enjoy the picture cause there'll be more of it! 


tinypic photo


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