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I've updated the walkthrough with the new content, leave a comment below if something isn't clear enough or message me private.

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1f2wh6iiuqNWRE2Ks0y4N1FZVq7EV3BVSJjSL8OBEAg4/pub walkthrough updated

Cheers, your's WhiteRaven  



DOES The dreams sequences progression in the jerks and old man house mean anything. I'll assume the consequences shows up later. In the jerks house can one get both dream sequences and is their a clue of how to stop the dreams in the jerks house? Also, there is a bug. If one visits the cave a second time the program freezes.


Thanks for submitting the bug :) The dreams will affect Victoria, if she is exposed to something that resembles what she dreamed, she will be more easily manipulated. This is not done yet but will be in later versions. For example, the guys she shows her breasts to will later be able to manipulate her when she does it. Right now you can only get that dream sequence from the jerk house but will be available from the old man aswell. There's no way to stop the dreams right now but will come later. A person you can come and talk to about your experiences, the person will also try to manipulate you so be carefull!


Thanks for the feedback I'll update the walkthrough with more information now!