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Need you opinion, please read before vote.


This Vote will close in 3 Days.


I think this is the time to change something since is almost 10 month and I think it will be boring if you still see the short animation.

Pledge Update 

Tier 1 - It gonna change to 2 USD (from 1 USD)

- Still got same rewards as before but Every Free Animation is 1080p (from 720p)

Rewards Update

- All Paid Post Animation is 60 fps. (from 33.333 fps)

- Paid Post Still come in the same time (around day 15 and 30)

But First Paid Post (around day 15) will be Short Loop animation (2-6 Second).

and Second Paid Post (around day 30) will be Extended animation (10-30 Second).

(Alternate Version is still Short Loop Animation.)

- You can still request older rewards that you didn't pledge by sent me message but you can get only previous 2 month of  animation (also depend on Tier and need to charge successfully at least 1 time).

and previous rewards will put on Gumroad.

(This will prevent someone that just pledge and ask for all previous animation, It's not fair for patron who support me for a long time.)

Vote Update

Tier 1 and Tier 2 will have separate vote form.

If characters has been chosen it will be ban for next 3 month.

If you patron accept this change, The change will start this month.

But all current patron in Tier 1 can still pledge 1 USD in this month and get the same rewards.

If next month (October) you still didn't change you pledge, You will not receive Free Animation.


If you have a question or suggestion please let me know by comment in this post or sent me a message.

Thank you again for all the supports. 

also sorry about English.



A question:if I don't want the previous anination(like first one),but I pledge on after 15(second one),still got free animation reward or no


Yes, you still get free animation if you only pledge on one paid post of that month.


It might be a little much to put a 3 month ban on chosen characters. Maybe just 2 months? I'm not sure. Otherwise, I think it sounds great you'll be doing the longer animations and changing up the voting by tier.