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I am so excited and happy to announce that because of all of you guys on patreon, I finally make enough to move out of the parents house! As you may know I am 21 and have never lived on my own before, but an amazing opportunity popped up and its everything I ever wanted! During late November I will be packing and early December I will be moving. I will try my very best to keep up with the 2 patreon poll drawings, 2 patreon pledge sketches, and one regular drawing each week on both of those months, but if im a little slow or lazy during that time, please understand and be patient with me. Come January I will have an amazing workspace where I can get back into the groove of posting pics! Anyway, thank you all so much for supporting me, I am only a year or so away from maybe being able to make a livable wage from art alone! My dream!! Love you guys!



Congratulations mate!


Good Luck! Living on your own is tough, but also a lot of fun!