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Decided to add in Lucifer! It just wasn't enough with Modeus

But you know what... stay tune... cause I'm gonna add in another one!

If the updates of the same content are getting annoying, just let me know!



Iriga Avo

OOOOOO, an additional character


I squeal with delight every time you decide a picture should be a duo


Blessed are we on this day with not 1, not 2 but 3 cute asf demon girls drawn by an amazing artist.



Jason Hong

magnificent bondage servants!


Looking great so far, excited to see how you will incorporate the third member.


Not just 2, but 3? Now I’m even more excited for this one👀 Who do you guys think the third one will be? I’ll guess it’ll be Pandemonica, though I wanna hope for Malina since she’s my favorite from Helltaker


Hoping your not taking in too much work, with this, sinon and whatever other ones ya doing, fraid you might burnout


The updates aren't annoying, they're exciting and a very pleasant surprise!


As long as you're enjoying yourself making these, I'm enjoying this content. Take care of yourself!


Hahaha, that bondage setup is amazing. Including the box and then using it as part of the bondage is so funny to me, and also just such a fantastic detail. This is exactly why I love your work so much!


If it's judgement I'm gonna cry xD


Oh Bagel you are spoiling us. I thought Modeus was already great, but Lucifer with that expression is just fantastic. And you say you have a third coming? Can't wait to find out who!

Never Mort

I'll be happy with whoever you pick, but my god if its Judgement I'll have a nosebleed