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Someone burglar left Bagel all tied up, so she rushes to get her phone to get Soda on the line, but can not focus due to the vibrator keeping her busy!

What do you guys think happens next? :o




That's one nice burglar


Burglar grabs the phone and texts soda pretending to be bagel to hurry back home for a special surprise 😛

Brandon Barger

Eventually Soda comes over anyway and enjoys her perfectly wrapped present thoroughly.


It is really exquisite, sorry there will be color in this art? And hopefully Soda can save Bagel. 🥵💕


The burglar comes back and has fun with his new toy.


Unfortunately no, this is more of a doodle I had fun drawing, but expect more of this soon!


burglar texts Soda to ask her to call Bagel back, sticks the phone with the vibe, and lets Soda's calls become a second vibe


Just gotta say I really like how you draw Bagel’s ponytail, it always looks cuter each time you do it!

Jason Hong

Best burglar of all time.


This is a masterpiece, just by the anatomy alone you can tell you've been expanding the last few weeks.I really like Bagel's wispy pony tail and her black heart-shaped eyes. You always come up with ways to visually convey the emotions mix of the character to the viewer. She just has a perfect body shape. The buglar finds more sex toys and bondage material while looking for valuables and so he doesn't miss the opportunity. During this Soda tried to call Bagel several times, but she was busy with herself and the vibrator. A text message pops up that she is coming over.... Edit: What if both are put together in a situation like the picture of cynthia?


…with a few bondage supplies of her own hoping to ambush Bagel for some fun. Of course, Soda is the one ambushed by the burglar and tied up with her own bag of rope and toys. She is deposited next to Bagel on the couch moaning and mmph-ing as the vibes churn away as the burglar chela their brutal crotch ropes and adds some more rope around the bases of their breasts to make them swollen and sensitive. Unable to withstand the vibe and the temptation of a vulnerable Soda Bagel flops into her pressing her bound breasts and grinding her buzzing crotch into Soda’s as they both moan and squeal. Eventually the vibes bring them to a thunderous climax as the burglar watches from the door with his haul, but decided to stay a little longer to watch the show. A passerby outside sees the masked thief and screams for police causing him to to bolt and leaving the two girls helplessly writhing away on the couch. :D


I can think of a couple of things that burglar can do with that cellphone *wink wink*. Awesome job as always Bagelbomb.


Burglar comes back and brings her to the bed and adds more toys to her like clamps and ambushes Soda and relate it all back to an earlier drawing where you had I think the t to tied together and Bagel too distracted by the toys while Soda saying she was enjoying the situation but they should focus on escaping


So is this passing or failing the vibe check?


some very caring and attentive burglars here, they made sure all her needs were seen to! True heroes




Soda turns out to be the culprit, and has a whole bunch of new toys that she’s been dying to try on someone!