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Hi guys! Just sharing an update on what you may expect at the end of this month as well as what to expect next month. As for the Astolfo pic, the uncensored version will be available on Dropbox once it's done!
Furthermore, I will release the Dropbox for June and July at the end of the month


Bonus pic: Astolfo (Fate)
Poll Winner: Albedo (Overlord)


Suggested Bonus pic: Ilulu  (Dragon Maid)
Private Commish: Modeus (Helltaker)
Poll Winner: Nurse Bagel
Bonus pic: [N/A]

This list may be subjected to change depending on my irl circumstances. Feel free to ask any questions!



I'm still holding out hope for one day seeing Nurse Bagel


Definitely a good time to finish up my backlog, cause that one has been sitting there since before Summerbreak, but good thing you reminded me <3


Juny sounds like a lovely month =.=


Thanks for the update again! Just a quick question, are you open for commissions currently? I apologise if I missed it, but I didn't find your commission status anywhere.


I don't actually announce commissions, because commissions are strictly private. Normally when someone asks for it, I tend to be strict with the guidelines as well. For example, I can not draw OCs and the price is quite high (as a sort of deterence). The reason for that is because of my Patreon schedule, so I wish to draw everything in conjunction with Patreon updates. Anyone can drop a message if they are interested.