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Hey guys! I've decided to make some changes for the poll! While the current polls are still ongoing, I've decided to make some changes. After hearing your opinion, I will make a proper polling system that will ensure that even the lesser popular characters will be included.

So I've decided to make a decisive poll that will include all characters with >10% votes. Starting by the next Loser's chance poll, I will select ten characters through a raffl e.

In the next monthly poll, I am going to put new rules to ensure that other series/franchises manage to hit the spotlight! There's a lot of tinkering going on, but stay tune for that!

With that said! The eleven most voted characters will duke it out in the final round!

  • Winning character in said series will have cooldown period of 6 months.
  • The franchise the character appears in will have a cooldown period of 2 months.


Poll ends tomorrow 11 PM CET


Yuushino 優シノ

Is this the losers poll though? (Please say no please say no please say no


All right, le't go!


Hu Tao simps we rise


Tohsaka + dildo gag = dream come true


I like first changes in poll sysytem


Weiss was in the lead the last time I checked in. What happened? T-T

John Williams

We failed to get hu tao to win, so sadly we now must hope that hu tao gets a second chance