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EDIT: moved the dialogue in front as well as making some small edits.

Shantae and Rottytops were caught in an ambush attack by Risky Boots' tinkerbats, although they managed to hold them off for the time being, the tinkerbats decided to make use of a secret weapon that their mistress had planned had they not been able to gain the upper hand. As they unleash the ancient weapon, the weapon restraints them with ropes imbued with magic properties! It seems both of them are unable to get out! As the Tinkerbats carry them to the ship, Risky Boots is pleased and enchanted by their cute outfits, even remembering their tiny adventures together. It seems the spell had even transformed their uniform to better accomedate for its time!
To be continue: Pirate in distress

Gag variants:
Ballgag harness
Panel gag

Like always, pledgers are allowed to suggest anything to the picture!




Something you do EXCEPTIONALLY well that we don’t see too much of is tape-wraps and OTMs, I think either of those would look absolutely fantastic here


Oh, me likey more Shantae! This is a delightful sketch!