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Thanks to everyone for your feedback! Many of you were satisfied with my patreon and was not experiencing any sort of inconvenience, save for some mistakes. 

After reading through all the feedbacks I received, I have decided to open up a Dropbox account:

  • Every last day of the month, a link to the dropbox featuring every finished pic and its variants will be accessible to $7+ tiers in its original resolution. Upcoming pics or sketches that were either unfinished or scrapped will also be available there. 
  • To avoid the risk of breaking any of the community guidelines, I have also decided to remove any excessive nsfw pics (e.g vibes, orgasms and etc) from the creator page and provide a Dropbox link to them rather than to put them up directly on Patreon. 

Thank you for your time! Expect a sketch of the 2B picture soon!


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