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For those that didn't know yet, I've been busy working on the Android 10 bugs you've reported and an initial Android 11 test build this week.

It's my one week off from my regular day-job and, I figured, a good opportunity to get a lot of Patreon-related work done (as I tend to be way more productive having one big chunk of time rather than many small chunks over the weekends and after work).

So, let's talk about the Android 10 bugs first...

Android 10 & the Vulkan regression

A lot of you guys reported symptoms like random reboots and broken Vulkan rendering on Android 10, so I figured, given that this is the most wide-spread issue people are having so far, I would tackle this one first.

A majority of my time this week was spent debugging these symptoms.
From what I could gather after several lengthy debugging sessions is that, for one reason or another, the Vulkan pipeline fails to initialize on Android 10 (and 9 too to an extend).

All I really got out of it so far was a rather disappointing UF_INTERNAL (0x8) error, which is equivalent to "Something went wrong but we don't know what exactly".

At first I figured it might be some issue with the shader compilation, but after some additional debugging hours I found that, no matter which Vulkan API I call, all of them fail in a similar fashion.

Long story short: I still am unsure why Android 9 & 10 suffer from this Vulkan regression, but I keep on researching, as this is also the trigger for the random reboots some people have been reporting.

Onto Android 11 next...

Android 11 (aka. not as straight-forward as I figured it would be)

While some people love to make things sound complicated in an attempt to appear smart, I tend to prefer summarizing things in a way most people can follow what the actual problem is.

While I could go on forever explaining all the nitty-gritty details of upgrading an older device to a new Android revision, it all boils down to "Things change, sometimes more, sometimes less and less is always better as it introduces less work & problems".

The move from 7 to 8.1 was a gigantic one with drivers, HALs and pretty much every underlying component of Android needing a full swap / recode, which is why it took me so long to get us there.

The move from 8.1 to 9.0 was pretty small, in fact, 99% of the work I had done on 8.1 was instantaneously compatible with 9.0 (except for a few WiFi & BT related problems).

The move from 9.0 to 10.0 was pretty big and at certain points I was actually debating on whether I should go that route or just stick to 9.0 and "settle", but I couldn't leave it alone (as I'm too curious for my own good).

Sadly, with 11, things changed even more and the more I work on it the more it feels like my 9.0 to 10.0 move. A lot of work for comparatively little gain, but I will pull through regardless.

Onto... real-life!

The first winter in our new place is coming to an end!

In my previous newsletter I told you guys all about our new living situation, made possible in no small part by the support you guys provided to me here on Patreon.

My family and I relocated to our new small house just in time before Winter struck and for the first few weeks we were without a proper way to heat the place which left us with no choice but to go old-school and dress up like an Onion (Shirt, Sweater, Sweater, Sweater, Jacket, Blanket).

It was a humbling experience that made the delivery of our back-ordered heaters a very happy day (after DPD first sent them to the wrong country causing the whole debacle in the first place).

There were several more humbling experiences during this winter, from the back-door-frame busting on us, turning the place into a walk-in-freezer for 2 days, to some bad electric wiring needing replacement, etc. but, the weather seems to finally shift into more spring-like temperatures now and I hope that was it for the cold season.

This winter has shown me that there's a lot more to be done before this place is fully equipped to deal with the harsher times of the year, and several repairs are already in order, which means I won't be bored for a long time. (Hurray...)

And as always, I'll keep you all posted.

- Black-Seraph




Thanks for the update Black-Seraph. Good luck with both endeavours.


You are a tough guy Black-Seraph. You will handle everything in the right direction.


We'll see. Sadly it's back to after work hours again starting tomorrow. My hopes are high though.


Everything takes time and when it's ready it will be good. Good Luck!


I am really very grateful for your work.


Hi ! And thank you for your work! I just bought an XD + and was wondering what is currently the best build version to take ? (I would like to play some PSP / N64 / GC games). As indicated Android 9 & 10 have a problem with Vulkan so I should take the latest build under Oreo (Beta # 8 if I'm not mistaken) ? Thank you :)


If you want to strike a balance between stability and a more up to date base system then that is my suggested build.


Hi I just want to say I love the work you've put into this and appreciate the dedication. You have made a great device all that much better. If I may, could I make a minor request for a future update? Would it be possible to make the 'on screen control' button remappable? I don't have much use for that button as is but I frequently stream PC/PS games etc so being able to have a toggle to remap that button to say the center button of the Xbox/PS controller would be very useful. Again I want to thank you for all the hard work you've put into this. Thank You __ Brandon


While I am like you and tend to prefer additional traditional buttons I'm sad to say that what you want isn't easily possible on Android. Android treats the Xbox Guide button as just another Android home button by default. If I was to implement your wish then it would end up being just another alternative home button. Any other button though should work. Internally the button actually simulates a F12 keyboard key, which gets picked up by the framework as the trigger to open the Gamepad overlay HUD. You'll find that if you hook up an external keyboard and press the F12 key that it too will bring up the touchscreen button mapper.


Android updated to ver. 10 is stuck in the startup loading screen with the bubbles of the Lineage. I even factory reset and did all the steps correctly. I think my device is just stuck now ;-;


If you capture and send me a logcat I can tell you more but without that I can't really give you any better suggestion than try again and follow the manual to the letter.


How do I find the logcat?


Doctor Google might be a better guide for that than I am. But if you need to know my version of it: Execute the following command on your PC: adb logcat > logcat.txt Then upload / send me the logcat.txt file for analysis.


Sorry I don’t know what else to do, because it’s stuck in the startup, I can’t get any logcat from the pc, all my pc says is “beginning of system” and nothing else when I look for the logcat with the device connected.


Okay so I managed to actually make my GPD Plus WORK!! It was very unusual the way I fixed it, all I did was erase all system data and cache, I then tried re-installing CLEANROM (obviously not gonna work looking back because I’m on Android 10 now) and when formatting all + flashing CLEANROM, it gave me an error due to version differences (obviously), and so I re-did all the steps again for the lineage os but for some strange reason, it actually worked this time!


Sometimes things work in mysterious ways. I'm glad you managed to pull through though.


The only bug I came across is my emulation for GBA, N64 and GameCube games run slower as more time passes playing on them, other than that, I have no battery drain or overheating!


Yes, I know, I am quite bothersome, but, how do I install android 8.1 it is not installed on my GPD XD plus no matter what, and I do as the instructions tell me, also a boot loop is all I get. (sorry for bringing up an old project)


Installed via the TWRP route or SPFlash? Also, what was the last OS you had installed prior?


SPflash, and the last OS was android 10, don't know if I can do anything about it, so am I really screwed and have a $200 lightweight?


You're fine. It's actually very difficult to fully kill this thing. Do you think you could send me a logcat from the failed post-flash boot? Also: you made sure to select format+download as the flash mode?


Yeah it pops up in my device manager when plugged in but only discoverable in TWRP booted, otherwise no, it doesn't.


Sorry about the long log from above