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This one's for you Jeff Maas!

If you ever find the gamepad input to be in your way of doing Android tablet things, fear not, you can now disable it entirely.





is this the only new thing in this update? ie should I bother if this problem doesn't really affect me?


You don't have to update if you don't want to. This was just a quick response to a request Jeff Maas made, and given I knew exactly what was missing and the fact that it could be implemented real quick I did him the favor.


New here - thank you for the great work. On my GPDXD+ I seem to be having problems connecting a bluetooth gamepad (SNES 30 Pro by 8-bitdo) - This is being listed as Vendor_057e_Product_2009 in a gamepad test app. When connected, many of the default button maps are wrong (Start=L1, etc) on a system level. I believe it is just pulling the default mapping from /system/usr/keylayout/generic.kl - I have tried to make a Vendor_057e_Product_2009.kl in this location with an edited keymap but it still always seems to use generic.kl and seems to ignore Vendor_057e_Product_2009.kl. Any ideas?


Love cleanrom. Just wanted to ask - is lineage os still in progress or no? :)


It is but things are going slow because I need to bring up my own Treble v1 vendor. I'm also having big trouble trying to get the new gatekeeper / keymaster running on our XD+.


I purchased the gpdxd+ and she arrived today. I had done a ton of research on the thing, and was 100% on the cleanrom train. since this was my first install, I was absolutely horrified, but im glad to say that shes working just fine. I promise to report any weird findings to help the gpdxd community. I just wanted to say thanks for such a great program. Now I get to enjoy the fun part, installing all my games and such.