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Thanks to foxsevent I now have access to a semi-broken sacrificial GPD XD+ for high-risk developments (like the Alldocube X injections I plan to carry out).

Let's hope that this unit will pave the way for all the other units and that this high-risk gamble will pay off in our favor.




Hope all goes well with new project


Hey Black if you find the time can you take a look at this. <a href="https://boards.dingoonity.org/gpd-android-devices/disable-cpu_hotplug-without-using-cleanrom/msg184981/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://boards.dingoonity.org/gpd-android-devices/disable-cpu_hotplug-without-using-cleanrom/msg184981/</a>#msg184981 Mainly the issue is that the CPU frequencies on CleanRom can't be changed, even with root, using tools like kernel adjudicator work temporarily, after putting the device to sleep mode the CPU frequencies reset themselves.


I will take a look sometime over the weekend (together with the Dolphin / Vulkan issues). I wish I could handle these requests faster but my dayjob keeps me occupied during the week.