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A little peek into my daily life, for those that are interested that is:

I wake up, start the day with a cup of coffee, just a shot of cream, no sugar, a light breakfast to go with it (most of the time), and start work at exactly 9AM.

From that point forward, my coffee consumption never stops, 3-4 (big) cups, spread out over my 8 hour workshift (not including lunch break), aren't too unusual for me (and yes, I know it's bad, who are you, my doctor?).

It's 5PM, my work shift is over, but is it really? No, this is where the real work (fun) starts.

This is the time where I start working on all kinds of homebrew projects, some GPD related, some Nintendo Switch related, some of entirely different nature, not only but also including lots and lots of research and preparatory work.

Several more cups of coffee later, its 10, 11, 12PM, 1AM even at times... oh boy, I should get some rest. After all, this cycle will repeat on the following day and the days after that as well.

It's tiring work, but something I genuinely enjoy, and every little step I manage to take, in every project I tackle, makes me proud, not only about what I've achieved myself, but what we've achieved together. We've turned this small Patreon into a homebrew foundry, something where original software gets forged and then spread to the masses, a little idea machine, that slowly takes those ideas and makes them reality.

The support and interest all of you have shown me is, by far, the biggest motivator and driving force in this machine we've built, and more than I could ever ask for. The fact alone that so many of you put so much trust into me is something that I adore and enjoy to the fullest.

Today was just another such day, nothing out of the ordinary, work, and then some more work, and finally, me standing in front of my coffee machine again, brewing me yet another cup of this wonderful black gold, when my phone rings, and I see this notification on screen.

Thank you NervePangs for the coffee, I am enjoying it right now as I write this post.

For you this might just be 3$, a tiny little something you won't be missing, but for me these kind of things are my motivation from which I draw in my darkest hours, when things don't work as planned, and I'm tempted to just stop and withdraw from it all.

To you, and everyone else on this Patreon that supports me, every single soul that bought me a coffee on Ko-Fi or showed their support in one way or another:

Thank you my friends, it's all of you who make the impossible, possible!

- Black-Seraph



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