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As a kick off January SFW I thought it would be fun and helpful to make an in/out list. I have a good amount of audio-related ones, some broader cultural ones, and some personal ones. I tried to keep it pretty non-judgmental and didn't take it too seriously, so I hope you do the same.

Post your own in the comments if you so choose!!

Take care,

🌨️ august


sarah 💫

I wanted to comment on litchrally every single point BUT I’m gonna try to exercise some restraint here (restraints IN for 2024 audios???? maybe?? anyway) -its interesting that you think your default is a “cocky” guy bc imo your default is like the amiable friend dude haha theres a mix for sure, but I thought it was interesting you had a different view! -the series thing is super cool, I think you would do well at drawing out the plot/character progression bit by bit each month leading up to a finale/“climax” (😳) -clothed sex/grinding is SO UNDERRATED also ik some ppl don’t like the overuse of “fuck” but it sounds……..reallygoodwhenyousayit ok moving on -GENRE/FANTASY AUDIOS WHOOOO ✨🪄raising my goblet of mead in celebration for more genre freaky deaky time🍻 -song covers‼️‼️ so curious to see which songs you choose! -i think I’ve said enough about how much i love the playful/goofy speakers (THTT my beloved 🔥🧊) but I’m so looking forward to hearing more laughter during sexy times 🫠 -MMF‼️ (this is so exciting and makes me wonder if you’d ever do FFM??? hahaha kidding. unless??) -the lightning round for 2024 ins felt like a machine gun shooting me point blank 🙂🤕 -“grown ass men” AHHAHA I get what you mean about the “boyish” tone, I hear that fs but it’s like a mix of boyish and distinguished imo! -the trailer thing is so valid, I PERSONALLY cannot hear ONE MORE cover of an old doo whop/pop song that has been remixed and synthesized to the gods so someone can look cool in the rain -the commercialization of hobbies is a great point, I love the whole trying things you’re not good at pov. I took a pottery class for a month and was decidedly unskilled buuut it was SO FUN and it can feel nice to create something without the pressure to be “good” at it -can more thirst trap mocking august be in for 2024?? -all your personal ins/outs were so interesting, i esp agree with trashy books and wearing colors that make you feel good 🤍 ALSO if you’re looking for comfy jeans, i usually recommend thrifting bc they have decent wear already and aren’t as stiff or uncomfy. Here’s to less/no nightmares in 2024 🥂 My lil list: Ins: baking, solo park dates, going to bed at a reasonable hour, physical affection with loved ones, cloud watching (dumb but FUN), doing puzzles, reading short stories, wearing lavender (the color), smiling at strangers!!! Outs: incessantly rewatching the same movies/shows, succumbing to the paralysis of choice, writing/scrolling in bed, impulse thrift buying, keeping something I don’t like bc I’m too lazy to return it, killing all my plants :/// Super excited for this year’s content, it’s really cool to glimpse behind the curtain and see those wheels spinning! ✨


Same on the restraint 😅Literally try to keep my comments short, sweet & to the point. Like, who’s gonna read my long ass comment? Does anyone care? 💀 Also, I see your cloud watching , it’s not dumb! I like stargazing, lame? maybe but not to me 😌

Rya Li

Long Storytime Post: -Funny audios being in/sex being fun/funny: one of the first times the fiance and I had sex, our chests aligned in a perfect way (that hasn't been recreated since) to trap air(?) and make a hysterical fart sound. That was a big Moment for us bc we were both able to laugh about it and that level of comfort/humor even during something as intimate as sex is so rare, we were like "oh wait maybe we have something Real here". So long story long YES TO FUNNY HOT AUDIOS. -WIKIPEDIA HAS ALWAYS BEEN IN. TIKTOK HAS ALWAYS BEEN OUT (signed a grumpy millennial who refuses to download tiktok and perpetually has several wikipedia pages open on firefox. i recommend the List of Soups page) -2 PLAYER BOARD GAME FOR MASTERY- Wingspan. Gorgeous bird art, fun bird facts, enough strat and expansions to keep you playing. Also, Santorini or Patchwork. Both fun cute 2 player games. Fav party game rn is Monikers. Fun w a group, more fun while drinking, its a play on charades. Very good. -(seems unrelated but hang in there): I hate Magic the Gathering with a passion. I have watched some friends spend THOUSANDS of dollars on stupid cards and HOURS playing what seems to me to be The Same Game over and over. Nobody has ever even offered to teach it to me, always being like "You won't enjoy it and its kinda a waste". I was over a friends house while he was counting his Magic cards, so I was being a jerk on purpose with "hee hee you play Magic this is why you're single, dork" jokes. He responds with one of the most hurtful things anyone's ever said to me. He used the flick of counting each card to accentuate: "All. Your. Male. Friends. Play. Magic. What. Does. That. Say. About. YOU?!" I was devastated, because birds of a feather flock together, I only attract dorks romantically and platonically; I, too, must be a dork. Self-esteem: obliterated. So I just called him right now to let him know the guy I pay for audio porn wants to get into Magic and he told me that this is the funniest karma ever and I will likely never have an orgasm again. Please don't get into Magic I am BEGGING you August (or if you do just never tell us about it lmfao ik im being ridiculous and parasocial this was just the funniest possible bit). Re: nightmares, if it's the same recurring one, it helps me to imagine the "usual" plot of the nightmare right before bed, and reimagine the scary scenario into something easier to deal with. it's called re-framing the nightmare. i also have very vivid dreams (and nightmares) so i feel like i kinda Get It--sorry it sucks. -I'm more of a resolutions gal than an in/out gal so i gots my planner and im out to fuck shit up so good this year. personally i find planning helps my anxiety about the future (even half a plan feels better than winging it, to me). besides wedding, i've got two huge hobbies planned, and im tryna be a Better Person by volunteering and calling my political representatives regularly. Oh and I'm hitting the gym so good yall, I've never been Actively Happy w my body and its so much easier now. im p hype for 2024.


So I’m just catching up with this audio now, and almost all of your audio ins were included already in the DM audio, so please, give yourself some big praise! It’s hard enough to incorporate one thing, let alone multiple, so you’re proving you’re on another level with your audios. Can’t wait hear more of what’s in store ❤️


Oh man we are a board game household. And we have a couple co-op games because my partner is too good and sometimes I don’t want to lose. Anyways some of my faves are - Gloomhaven (co-op) is my favorite game, my partner and one of my best friends and I have been playing this campaign for at least 100 hours at this point! It’s not really roleplay like DnD is, it’s way more concrete strategy instead of storytelling - Spirit Island (co-op) (and its expansions) has so many different mechanics it’s so fun! You can also play solo - Dominion is a classic and the randomization every game is fun and you can make for silly games - Terraforming Mars - Scythe is like a steampunk Soviet version of Risk with but also with mechs - Skull is a great bluffing game for very casual interactions, like we can be drinking and holding conversations parallel to playing - Durak is a playing card game that seems complicated at first, but once you get the rules down, it’s again super easy to play in a low key kind of way and I play it at pubs with friends pretty frequently


Board game rec for August and everyone else here: Wingspan! It’s beautiful, interesting, and gently competitive (which is honestly so refreshing). Such a pleasure to play with one or more friends. And it’s neat; after playing it a few times you’ll almost assuredly start to recognize certain kinds of birds in real life and/or media and have some fun bird facts to whip out. Sounds lame but it’s actually wholesome and lovely. Anyway, highly recommend. Also there are hand painted versions of the game which would be an incredible gift for a board game lover. Shockingly, I don’t make commission off of Wingspan sales, I’m just passionate about this one lol.


Late to the party but (partially inspired by August’s comments re media discussions but a thing that’s been percolating for a while)… In: letting people enjoy what they enjoy without judgment from me. I wouldn’t kink-shame, so why media-shame? It’s just as easy to say “not really my thing” as it is to say “that is godawful; how can you possibly like that?” When someone I know well likes something completely unexpected, I’m going to say “what do you like about it?” instead of wrinkling my nose and jumping straight to internally disagreeing. Finally, have any of you ever tried the game “Poetry for Neanderthals”? You draw a card and try to get your partner/group whatever to guess what you’re describing, but you can only use one syllable words. It’s so unexpectedly hard but goofy and fun. Not a board game but fun to do in pairs.