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Hi! With the Hallowe'en season upon us, I thought we could talk movies, like my favorite horror movies, including what I find most scary and my first experiences with the genre, AND the non-scary spooky films I love most as well.

Let me know what yours are in the comments. I don't really get into spoilers, and also don't discuss many scary/gory things in detail. 

Hope you enjoy!

🍂 august



I’m late to this but if you like Clue, which is amazing, have you seen Murder By Death?


i'm also late but since i'm really into movies i wanted to comment here i feel the same way about get out, i used to be quite prejudiced against horror movies because they had that stigma of jumpscare (i hate it lol) but that changed after this movie glad you mentioned what we do in the shadows (i laugh so hard), midsommar, silence of the lambs, the thing, alien and clue. those are such good movies! also, big fan of over the garden wall e grand budapest hotel here


Over the Garden Wall is one of my favourite pieces of media, I love animation that's got an eerie vibe to it without being too heavy and while still being funny/silly. Plus the wonderful bonus of enjoyable, well done music and songs. Again I've chosen one thing specifically to comment about when there are several things mentioned I also enjoy but OTGW is a big one for me as an art/animation nerd. But yes Midsommar, Get Out, The Thing, Addams Family, probably a bunch of other stuff as well I'm forgetting, good shit.


Oh and hands down best Halloween costume I ever did was when my friend and I dressed up as The 'Andy's from Hot Fuzz when we were like 17. Two teen 'girls' (we're both non-binary now) at a house party wearing jackets, shirts, ties, fake moustaches with fake cigarettes hanging out of our mouths while everyone else was in more standard Halloween attire (which is totally cool if that's what's fun/comfortable for you!). Spent a lot of the party in character doing the accents and messing around. That was really fun.