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PoV: A New Year is upon us, the year of the Rabbit! So Pixie dressed appropriately. You're either going to have the time of your life, or get your top half bitten off!

Make sure to read this damn book, it cost its author her left arm!

(I must practice still)




I saw that the vote ended in a tie and i was worried it might have still gone to Clem but Yay Pixie got the art. She looks amazing. Really well done Kite, it is phenomenal

Akashimo Hakubi

Pixie looks so stunning! Her charm def pulled into focus. 💜💯


Chapter 1: lesson 1- Many trainers may have a sexual curiosity regarding a mawiles jaws but WARNING ⚠️ never stick your dick in her jaws, including other appendages, unless your mawile is completely comfortable with it.


Pixie my beloved


Lesson 2 - If it's in those jaws, you ain't gettin' it back.


She really pulled the 😮 emoji face