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... Is something I'm frequently asked about.


The answer to it is: writing a story takes a long time. OG WL had no story, just lore, which was easier to produce sequentially; Light of Ida had a story thread leading to CYOA prompts, and so was very bare bone for smooth CYOA transition; WL reboot is a full story, and so takes it's sweet time to be written!

Then designs have to be done, etc.

I can't give you a strict timetable of when WL resumes; once the story is 50% written (with clear end chapters story planned), I can start working and publishing the first chapters!




Sorry for screaming at you about this the other night, I understand that these things take time I was trying to make a joke!

Krutslik Spitepaw

Don't stress it comes when it comes and until then there is quite enough other awesome stuff from you to look at


Take whatever time and process you need for any of your projects.