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Hello everyone!

I am in need of a small break, so I will take the week off to rest & recuperate for the last week of February; HMGBAPS will be the only update next week, allowing me to do the page as a more leisure pace.

Additionally, the first week of  March will be "normally new schedule starting as planned but maybe not" as I have to undergo a surgery on the 7th of March. Depending on how well I tank it, I will either take one or two days off then resume as planned, or take another week off entirely!

(And if I stop giving any news by the end of the month, and neither Ferrin or Orannis herd of me at all, assume it went horribly wrong and I died lmfao)

(It should be fine tho. s'not supposed to be THAT kind of surgeries. I'm just sorta paranoid about general anesthesia!)



Well Wishes for the operation!


Good luck on the operation! Take all the time off you need - your health is important.


I sincerely hope all goes well. Take all the time you need for recovery and recuperation. Don't push yourself or your body especially after surgery.


I hope the operation goes well, take as long of a break as you need to!