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First, please note that I'm postponing all updates this week as I'd like to focus on the last pinup and another matter related to the current announcement. I'll try to keep it short, but a tl;dr will be available at the very end if I'm too long!

First, content expansion!

As you have seen yesterday, a new comic has appeared! Called Legend Arceus: Strange Shores! It's upload schedule will be on Monday until the resuming of WanderLust!

Wanderlust will hopefully resume during the month, but I have a lot of quirks to work out still, as in what I'm keeping, what I'm rebooting, redesigning several things such as the ship, etc. I'll post elements as I finish them!

Pinups will still be available, but not on monthly basis; they will become occasional content when time and relevance applies!

Tiers update

Tier 1/1.5 ($1): Essentially stays the same, minus the regular pinup pack download at the end of the month (since there's no monthly pinup anymore). Access Discord, and regular content feed.

Tier 2 ($5): Tier 2 will be scrapped entirely. (can't upgrade price of an active tier)

(NEW) Tier 2 ($7): Rewards of Tier 1, higher resolution pages than public releases, textless pages for specific comics (WanderLust). More comics could be included when applicable.

Tier 3 ($10): Tier 3 will be scrapped entirely.

Tier 4 ($20): Tier 4 will be scrapped entirely. Its backlog will be worked on Mon-Tue until completion.

Tier 5 ($25): Becomes Tier 3, but remains the same. Includes the new rewards of Tier 2.

(NEW) Tier 4 (price TBA before launch, after test): A new limited tier based on character featuring. People joining this tier will be able to request their character to appear in a side comic (no HMGBAPS-Main OR WanderLust). The characters will appear throughout a current arc, or in a ponctual story page, spanning multiple panels. While any characters are presumably eligible, there will be a "vetting" process: I will discuss with each submitter how to adapt a given character to a given comic to keep both the aesthetic and world of the comic coherent. Ergo, no giant furry futa with 3 horsecocks will appear as is in any comics unless I ingested a large quantity of dubiously legal substances, but they may appear in a "Kite-redesigned" version that you will give a greenlight to.

To determine the logistics of such, I will do a test with a Patron I'll chose before the official launch of the tier. This tier will be expensive. You are getting more than a sketch and over more panels. It will be priced accordingly. This tier will follow the usual comics' upload schedule (if you pick Unsheltered or Wildtimes, you'll appear on Fridays, if you picks LA:Strange Shores, Mondays.)





I looking forward to these new changes.


You know what mate, I like your work enough that I think I'm willing to stick around. You make great content.


So we should just look for an update saying "hey, new tiers are live" so we can make sure we're all set?