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I wasnt totally sure if the post explains the items properly, because english isnt my first language and trying to be mysterious can backfire, so without giving you any meta information, I'll try to make what they do clearer!

The slave collar will likely have more explanations than the others, not because it's my "preferred choice" but because it's mechanics may be the most obscure!

Quiangji's Slave collar:
In the Lunar Towers, Witchsona will meet both enemies Dragonkins belonging to the Lunar Towers faction and friendly Dragonkins that are generally hostile to the others, as well as possible adventurer parties.

The Slave collar will mark the Witchsona as Slave Bride to Quiangji, and thus give her the "Lunar Towers" faction attribute, so to speak.

With this, normally hostile Lunar Towers NPCs will be friendly, but normally friendly NPCs will mistake the Witchsona for a Lunar Towers agent and will be hostile, with the universal exception of Longgui who stays neutral.

Bargaining and trying to explain that you're "infiltrating " is still possible but I'll throw a d20 with pretty high roll requirement to determine whether it'll work or not, tho the roll will be easier with human characters, whom you may be able to convince that the slave collar was totally a good idea... :p

It doesn't really change the exploration part as you can still peruse and explore and get loot, although any mimics you'd encounter will be friendly, and give you THEIR loot too. Whether you wish to put probably cursed loot on is your choice, however.

Naturally, there will be other consequences too... :3

Other clit and nipple rings, including this collar as well as the two in that table will still be droppable from later events, although the specific ones in that current equipment table are going to be rare (1% drop rate). I'll be using a randomizer to determine drops within a list of loot!

However, once put, this Slave Collar can only be removed by Quiangji! Or maybe by another Legendary beast, if you manage to find her... and convince her that you aren't what you it brands you as!

Nipple Rings of Caution
These nipple rings will essentially prevent surprise attacks as well as detect enemies in a fashion. They can detect the presence of a Mimic as well, as it's sort of a surprise attack, but unlike the clit ring of detection, they can't tell you where it is.

They also sorta totally can your initiative if Witchsona orgasms due to vibrations, which'll be decided with increasingly harder d20 roll. The positive being, each times she DOES orgasms, the difficulty reverts to easiest (tho her willpower will decrease)!

These nipple rings can be removed, and other clit and nipple rings, including this collar as well as the two in that table will still be droppable from later events, although the specific ones in that current equipment table are going to be rare (1% drop rate). I'll be using a randomizer to determine drops within a list of loot!

Clit Ring of Detection
Basically a radar. It will "ping" constantly and "shocks" with increasing regularity the closer one is to a trap or to a Treasure. Because ambushes are sort of like trap, it can tell you if one is nearby but the range is far shorter, as it requires you to get closer to trigger with accuracy, and the shocks will melt your initiative (and brain), which makes it ineffective to avoid surprise attacks. However, it can pinpoint treasures and mechanical traps with extreme accuracy and guarantee you to find loot and dodge Mimics!

Other clit and nipple rings, including this collar as well as the two in that table will still be droppable from later events, although the specific ones in that current equipment table are going to be rare (1% drop rate). I'll be using a randomizer to determine drops within a list of loot!

I think that's the gist of these mechanics... hope that takes what they do clearer!

(Sorry if there are typos, am on my phone, in a train)



This is because of me isn't sorry for asking to many questions :(


It's hard for me to believe that english is not your native language because your writing seem so good to me. I always have fun reading the lore you come up with. Now I really hope Witchsona obtains a slave collar of one of the other houses (blue please) and becomes a slave bride. It sounds intriguing.


Lol no don't worry people were chatting on discord too and my proofreader said I should explain the mechanics more :p