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Sup guys , hope you're doing well ! Just a heads up to say that this month is gonna be pretty low output wise , its not that im feeling bad , un-motivated and etc cause I am , but these days there's a lot going on (house renovations , family gatherings , friends I haven't seen in a while etc) and everytime I plan on taking my time with art , something comes up and kinda scrambles my art plans . I usually want to put the best I can and I was very satisfied with november , but its sincerely really hard to focus these days . Ill still open gold tier commissions this month but its gonna be smaller scalled than usual . Also thinking of taking a big break between christmas eve and new year . I KNOW I keep telling you guys the same thing like uuuh im very sorry about the lack of output and blablabla but I have a schedule in my head that I keep at heart , but at this time of the year its VERY hard to keep it up , so it fucks with my head these days . So I just wanted to let you guys know , this month is gonna be lacking art wise , doesn't mean I  won't put out anything though ! If you wanna un-subscribe from the patreon I can totally understand . THough JANUARY will be a whoooole other story ! So yeah hope you understand :)

TLDR : Lots of stuff is happening this month and im gonna be busy , just expect less art than usual this month . 


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