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i see that i got way more paid than anticipated and to be completely honest , i don't know what to do . My toughts of the payment system is that the newly pledged people pay immediatly when they pledge for the month to come so they wouldn't have to pay again ... but it did anyway , so instead of getting 120 $ , i got a hundred more than what i anticipated so i feel like im in the wrong here ... I said for this month that i would get limited time compared to before so ill try my best to give you guys sketch and cell-shaded comms for each month like the pledges says so , but to draw 2 for each of you this months won't be possible so i really feel sorry for those who pleged and paid twice . So to be frankly honest with y'all , i really don't know what to do about it . I hope you guys don't mind too much and if you do , ill make sure to compensate later . Again , I never tought you guys would pay twice , so yeah ... I hope you guys don't mind too much . Thank you for your understanding <3



Since you have charge up front turned on, it doesn't matter what day a patron signs up. If you sign up on the 1st or the 31st it only counts for the month it currently is. If someone signed up on the last day of July they have to pay for July. They still have to pay the next day since it will be the 1st of August.