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Well this has been a year huh? I don't wanna even go into the ups and downs just hey WE MADE IT THIS FAR...let's go the distance eh? Here is a pic I am making available to ALL patrons. It's Christmas after all huh?!  They go by Candy Came! If the name fits...USE IT!

There will be more $5 and $10 goodies coming before the end of the year tho...and hmmm how to tease it...it will have some...PENETRATING results...all I can say so far! 

Thank you for being patrons at EVERY and ALL levels, it's truly an honor you'd choose to support my work this way. Thank you SO SO much! 






Wow candy came sure is hot I wish that they’d come see me. Their be plenty of games we could play


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!