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I've kinda touched on the anxiety I been feeling and dealing with this month and well it certainly affected my work output. I didn't get to finish any fully colored pics this month in a way that I'd wanna not rush em to get this update done since they'd not be as good as I know I can make em.  

I contacted my Doctor and we will see what we can do! I know so many have been thru so much worse in the past year and change. I've said before I've been reasonably healthy not so much as a sniffle! People washing hands and no cons that I'd almost always get at least a cold or such afterwards certainly has helped. 

Gonna get back on track art wise and mentally too. Every time I sat to color I just had this anxious feeling and would need to get out, take a walk, drive, etc. Luckily I saw an old friend this month I've not seen in years and that really helped too. But don't worry, lots of awesome things are coming art wise AND IN COLOR. ^_^ 

Also I signed up for MFF and FC...see if those happen and if I get a table...I am sure they are buried in dealer applications. I've got guaranteed tables at uh...FE, FWA, AC, BLFC and EF since I had applied and been accepted...eons ago it seems now. ^_^

Also the old Wacom Companion 2 has been getting very unreliable. If it's hooked up to the internet the fan will whirr like crazy then the thing just shuts off. So...gotta upload content to Patreon via the media center PC with my portable solid state drive. ^^ Not sure what kinda solution the Companion 2 has since you cannot EASILY even get inside it. I do make backups tho JUST in case it croaks. 

Anywho....thanks for supporting my work. This has been a huge lifeline for myself and MANY in the world who would count on cons as a major source of income. Sorry this month I could not get all the color work I wanted done to the standards I know I can. Anxiety is a bitch but gonna kick it's ass! Thank you!




And again I say, take care of your health, creativity can wait))


Your mental health and well being are important Gid! Hope ya feel better! ❤️


Hope you feel better soon! Just dm me here or on Telegram when you're feeling like getting to that sketch from February 2020.


Hope you feel better soon!


Rest easy friend; take your time.