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Like it says in the tier...it's gonna be a one slot tier NOT up every month but just at random. Extras like multiple limbs, wings, intricate work, will add to the cost which I and the patron will work out one on one. ^_^




*Spits out coffee and scrambles*


Damn, I just missed it. Hope I can land it next time!


Interesting idea. I've got two questions. On the months you decide to have it available will it become available on the same day every month? Will there be anything preventing the same person from getting the slot multiple months to avoid monopolizing it?


THAT is a good set of questions. I was tempted to make it at random as far as ruining and even how many slots etc. But how to lei the same person from grabbing the slot over and over preventing new patrons from getting it...I don't know!! This is very new to me and I might have to chat with others that have done it already!


No sweat. Hopefully you can figure out a good system that's fair for everyone. All I can suggest is maybe have it the same day every month (the day after all payments have been processed perhaps) and if you want to keep it to one per patron for now you might have to just rely on keeping a list and hoping everyone here is down with the honor system.


A bit late to this. But I'll toss my own two cents into it. I don't know if there's an official means of preventing someone from joining a tier, so your best bet is to write out an official rule explaining that anyone who gets the art slot tier will have to submit to a cool-off period after their reward has been delivered, so something like having to wait three or four openings before their eligible to try again. If someone *does* nab it again before the cool off period is over just refund their money and tell them to knock it off and let someone else have a turn.