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Books I acquired in the last 1 1/2 years. (I haven't mastered photography yet.) I believe in keeping the creative mind active!

ADVICE FO' CHILLUNS: Growing up cartoonist, I was shy about venturing outside art my friends liked. I remember seeing a book about Picasso I saw at a store, and was wondering if whether I "should" be interested. Fine art made my cartooning and movie friends go "Eew!" and, slightly embarrassed, I fell into line. But as I was getting out of my teens, I began to explore other subjects, including ones that had nothing to do with the visual arts or pop culture, without guilt. People would ask, why do you want to but a book about that? But all interests interconnect. Simply because I "don't do work like that" does not mean I can't enjoy & learn from it.

Don't let your friends make creative boundaries for you.



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