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So as I inch closer and closer to completing the OC project - It dawns on me that I cannot make up my mind on what Amy should sound like. I got nothing in the brain. So I thought I'd ask everyone!

Suggest below, maybe something will click




Connor McGregor!


I'm assuming Amy is the green hair chick. She would do great with a high active voice sorta like starfires. Oh and if Amy if the long dong chick she should sound like the mayor's wife from power puff girls


I think you should go for a soft spoken voice not necessarily shy but not high pitch either


Amy having a higher pitch would fit if she's meant to squeal at any point, considering she's having her balls squeezed. The other having a deeper voice would better highlight her moans in contrast.


Idk I personally don't squeal when my balls are squeezed

Bud Chudley

Perhaps Amy sounds like Peridot.

Angelo B.

Us giving you a voice/voices you will probably hate for the rest of development is not good. At least giving us an approximate sounding voice to go off of would be best, so it doesn't turn out to be a big disappointment.

Bacon Lord

She kinda gives off a confident fat girl energy (the non-overbearing variety) not sure what that would sound like tho


I have nothing in mind for her. Which is why I'm asking in the first place. Through your guys' suggestions I'll be able to build upon that. I obviously won't pick a voice I don't like to where I'd hate the rest of development lol Already I'm starting to get a rough idea of her voice through reading all these suggestions.


I love the idea of her sounding like Peridot