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Because it's the end of the month, I wanted to let you guys know before the next pay cycle so you can leave if need be.

I'm going to be removing the Bi-Monthly Wheel. I won't be replacing it with anything - just removing it.

The passed two months have been possibly some of the most stressful in terms of work and how much content I've been putting out (Patreon/S.S or otherwise). Those of you who have been around/supporting me for a long while know that money doesn't drive me. If I don't like what I am working on (or if my heart's not in it) I don't have fun doing it. And if I'm not having fun that's when my feet start dragging - - And I don't like that. When the wheel was started it was with 5 second loops in mind, but as I changed as an artist (and the audience as well) I started making longer and longer animations. Now, it's just not practical for me. I don't get to work on personal projects as much as I'd like to.

This post is just to explain my decision not to garner sympathy or anything like that.

P.S: This does NOT mean that I won't be taking suggestions from you guys anymore. You can continue to suggest whatever you want and the chances are I'll still listen. And I will now also be doing the discord events more frequently. This is only regarding the mandatory bi-monthly wheel spin.

P.S.S: The Re-Zero Project is around 75% completely done. Blender has been giving me issues with rendering.



It makes sense, just please keep making those masterpieces and take all the time you need.