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What do you guys think? I decided to make her a "hybrid"..fancy word in this case for Cat girl. She also has cat ears, but those only show when her hair's wet.

This is completely just a trial to see what you guys think. If you guys think her being humanoid is better then so be it. But here's my reasoning as to why I did it:

In my "original universe," I plan on having everything across the board in terms of people. From Humanoids to full on anthropomorphic characters. Nothing right off the bat, but I feel as though having one of the "main" characters be something like a hybrid would give viewers a taste of what to expect in future works in my universe. Or who knows? Maybe I'm COMPLETELY over thinking it.

Let me know!



Oh~ original work and characters! I look forward to it!


Perry, if your thinking about do hybrids check out this anime called Killing Bites. To get some extra ideas.

Mr. Clean

"Her ears are only visible when her hair is wet" thats way too cute lmao


I totally agree with this. It’s a good amount of human/anthro.