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Hey Pinks ! So I've been getting Hella subs for the EBT MOd which has been outdated since two updates ago. I wasn't gonna update it but PLEASEEE GIVE ME a likkle bit of time like two days and try to work this mod out ! Hope you all had a Great weekend and again Thanks for your support !!! 

- To My TikTok Pink : I saw the TikTok & BABBYYYY  You made me wanna make a darn TikTok now for SeSeSimmi ;J !! I was dying laughing at the commentary ! 



ok thanks anyway


Just checking has it been updated yet


when is it gonna be updated


Has it been updated??


Hi everyone I recently put the mod back into my game and it is working I suggest you try to.

Se Miyah Malae

You could’ve saved it my love I never said it was out for download nor have I promoted it . So that isn’t my problem tbh .

chanzes andrews

wow!! but still you should take the time to update it seeming how so many subbed for it, but i will let people know not to sub to you and report you to EA.

Brittani Lilley

I understand y'all are mad. But y'all found this mod from a tik Tok... which was not from her. I know she said it will be updated a week or two ago, but things happen. And it's $3.... if y'all can't afford that, you probably shouldn't have bought it in the first place lol


I became patron for the EBT mod but I LOVE it here regardless. Worth every penny.

Se Miyah Malae

I have tried to update it !!!!! Leave me Tf aloneeeeeeee !!!!!!!!


And she kept telling everybody she was going to try and update the mod and let everybody know in two days. It’s been over a week and she didn’t say anything, she could’ve at least made a post and told everybody she can’t update the mod at all and stop wasting your money🤷🏾‍♀️at least she tried tho I guess……


Idk what tier you have but I have the top one and mines is $15 a month. I’ve now be paying consistently for at least 6 months with her not successfully fixing any of these mods. So after giving her ample time and still paying that $15 I’m gone go head n unsubscribe for a few months. Maybe she’ll get it together by then. But at this point I’m LITERALLY wasting $15 every month. I’m subscribed to 6 different patreons. I pay $23 a month. Hers is $15. Yu do the math. Everyone else updates their mods. She doesn’t. We have every right to be upset especially when we pay for the top tier.

Serryiah E Genesis

You guys in these comments are so mean and disrespectful! I have never ever seen the most ungrateful simmer players until reading this! Do yall realize that it takes a long time for her to create and come up with stories and things like that? especially how professional she is! Yall have to understand it's not all bout you! She could be going through a lot and you guys keep rushing her to update it! If you pay 25$ that's not her problem! It's yours! because you chose to buy it when you didn't have to! Yall not in her damn shoes and what she has to deal with! IF YOU WANT MODS! CREATE THEM YOURSELF AND U SEE HOW HARD IT IS! BTW I LOVE YOU SE SE SIMMI

Se Miyah Malae (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-15 04:13:55 I LOVE YOU AND APPRCIATE YOU SOOO MUCH FOR ACKNOWLEDGING DEDICATION< HARD WORK ANDME ! I Thank you for standing up for me !!! I truly cant say that anymore clearer <3 !
2023-06-07 19:00:56 I LOVE YOU AND APPRCIATE YOU SOOO MUCH FOR ACKNOWLEDGING DEDICATION< HARD WORK ANDME ! I Thank you for standing up for me !!! I truly cant say that anymore clearer <3 !

I LOVE YOU AND APPRCIATE YOU SOOO MUCH FOR ACKNOWLEDGING DEDICATION< HARD WORK ANDME ! I Thank you for standing up for me !!! I truly cant say that anymore clearer <3 !

Emily Nieto

~ Did you update it babes I’m so excited I just subscribed! ❤️‍🔥