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A set commissioned by Ronin featuring VA Cherami Leigh in another case of mistaken identity a la the CW Supergirl piece! 




Lol! How many times have you captured Cherami now? She's got to be one of your most reoccurring celebs, not that I'm complaining! Ronin's got great taste. Cherami and her character are total hotties, and the uniform only helps with that. This pic reminds me that I was thinking of commissioning you to draw Corporal Green in the future, though it would've been the character, not the VA. Also, I had maybe one or two comm ideas between now and that one. You did great on this one, as usual! The tape looks shiny and secure. The part of her uniform that she's got on is crisp and accurate. The suitcase looks just big enough to fit her adorably balled form, and a few extra stuff. It's always nice to see Cherami's face, especially when it gets gagged. And the small reference to the FetCon pic is a fun detail. Kudos to both you and Ronin!