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finally the wait is over here are the final 8 pages for the chi chi and piccolo comic, thanks for being along for the ride with me boys, its been quite the trip completing this comic, i hope the ending doesnt dissapoint you guys who were waiting for it lol! 

Read the rest of it here https://mega.nz/folder/bQEjVYKb#FEjaxfymy3eeOiOByH1tXA 



gg bitch

No suicide ending?


It just came out but when is the follow up comic coming out


Awesome work man. Looking forward to the eventual continuations. But that's all in due time. Ik you're probs burnt out on DB now...

Pedro MG

very good job loony boy, dude chichi is one of my fav fem charact of DB, thanks so much for this, always your comics are awesome


I know. I meant like 18 and Bulma. I know the Chichi stuff is done lmao. I guess mt wording was weird. Idm like comics, I'm sure they'll just be little one shots or whatever


i mean there are the dragon balls for a reason goku

Giorno Giovanna34

You know up until you showed me that Goku has a small dick I honestly felt bad for him


any chance to continue this story?


What about bulma and whis?


swear he got the best tongue art ever