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We've seen an outpouring of support of the last week and people have shown they want YTMND to stick around for a bit longer. While I'm diligently working to get a new database online with a backup, we should discuss how to proceed from there.

The first step would be to update and secure all the servers. It has been a long time since any real maintenance has been done and YTMND still lacks SSL and other modern necessities.  After that, I think the main focus should be writing an open-source player using native browser technology so that all YTMNDs can be properly viewed in modern browsers without requiring Flash. This is a big undertaking in itself, but will allow YTMNDs to be viewed across a wider range of devices, and will make archiving them much simpler.

I will write more here later, but if you are interested, I urge you join the discord and participate by providing suggestions and comments.

Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/QwAWz65 



Have you tried Hormel's Compleats line? We're more than just meat Max.