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Percy awakes from his slumber to find himself leaning back, his bare feet feeling cool clammy metal. "What in Hades happened to me?" he groaned clutching his head, his recent memories hazy, he was fighting a monster and then he caught sight of someone's eyes then..nothing...he was here. Quickly getting his bearings he realises he's in some glass display case with a golden base which hummed, glowed and tingled worryingly under his feet....

"Ah so you are finally awake!" crackled a voice from a tannoy somewhere in the darkness.

"Where am I? What is this place?" he cried as he smacked the glass with his fist to no effect.

"You have been a thorn in our side for too long Mr Jackson...so now we have placed your humiliating fate in the hands of our most insidious audience...." It announced "and don't even try to break out...the case is impervious to your demigod strength"

"If you think I won't even try...then you really don't know me at all..." he retorted even now feeling his way around his small prison.

So I have thought of a couple of options to put in a poll, but you can offer a few suggestions in the comments, that if I like, I will add to the poll options.

So what humiliating transformation he should undergo.

I have thought a latex cerberus boi, a rubbery frog creature, a golden satyr...what else?




An evil idea. Now that Luke has been turned into a masturbator cup, how about turn Percy into a rubber dick.


Latex Cerberus sounds really appealing! Anything like your Kid Flash x Superboy doggies and I'll be sure to love it even more!