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A little something for my good friend who now takes up the mantle of Omegaboi!

He wakes up to find himself sat on a chair in a dimly lit room. He groans as he goes to clutch his forehead only to feel a cold hard object there. "Huh? what..what is that?" he gasped as he went to pull at it.

Suddenly before he could grasp it the object on his forehead warmed up and his hands move away and held to his sides. "My arms....can't move....what's going on?" he cried finding that he couldn't even get up off the seat.

"Ah you're awake!" came a soothing voice. His eyes glanced to the source of the voice where a spotlight lit up a metronome-like device on a small table. "I'm afraid you can't move before you ask!" it said "the jewel has been busy infusing its control over your body!"

"What the hell?" Omegaboi cried out angrily as he felt the jewel pulsing on his forehead "who are you? why are you holding me here?"

"You will find out soon....and by then you won't care!" it replied as the pulse of the jewel suddenly made Omegaboi's crotch twitch and gradually made it swell and harden.

"Ugh...fuck....what is..what..feels so aroused....no...." he moaned

"Don't resist..." said the voice "....it's all part of the reprogramming...."




Great work...also I love the stories! :3 Where’s the order form? Nuuuu