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Check out the poll for Loki 2x4 on our website HERE: https://blindwave.com/video/loki-2x4-reaction/




Her I am a patron supporter for years, but now you guys want me to pay 12$ just for the privilege to vote in vote in a poll for the community? forget it I am out!!!


who said you have to pay $12 to vote... just link your patreon and vote like normal It literally said "You can view this content if you area member of Blind Wave\'s Patreon at $1\' or more." if you didn't link your patreon.


Regarding your discussion after the episode: people who are pruned don't die, but they get send to the void and there is no other option. They're always send to that place. No one can choose where they send the people when they prune them. And Renslayer is not where she was before she came back to the TVA. She also got send to the void. Loki and Sylvie went to the end of time where He Who Remains was by enchanting Eliath. It's gonna be interesting to see what happens at the void with Renslayer, Loki and the Hunter that got pruned by X-5.


Where did the movie polls go?