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Uber Rider Videos:

  • It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia 3x2 "The Gang Gets Invincible" Reaction

Fortnight Rider Videos:

  • It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia 3x3 "Dennis and Dee's Mom Is Dead" Reaction 

Raw Rider Videos:

  • It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia 3x2 "The Gang Gets Invincible" Full Length
  • It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia 3x3 "Dennis and Dee's Mom Is Dead" Full Length

Four-Sight Rider Videos:

  • It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia 3x4 "The Gang Gets Held Hostage" Reaction | Full Length
  • It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia 3x5 "The Aluminum Monster vs. Fatty Magoo" Reaction | Full Length



Dr Ozzy

Oh boy. If they think Dennis is bad now… just wait until he becomes the true Golden God. He hasn’t even begun to peak.

Adam Ilioff

It feels like there was something in what Dennis was saying like an implication of some kind.


This is just the beginning. They keep pushing these characters more and more as the seasons go on.


This show is so much more enjoyable if you stop expecting something good of the main characters. Just stop taking this show seriously.


From Dennis (Glenn). This was more about complaints about the show getting political but I think you should read this. When asked if the goal of the show was simply to offend as many people as possible, Howerton responded : "It’s not, it really isn’t. The way the show is talked about, it’s as if that’s our goal, or that our goal is to push the boundaries of what’s decent or whatever. And that’s never the goal. That being said, what is the goal is to make people laugh. And often in order to do so, you have to kind of shake them up a little bit. That’s my feeling. The best jokes to me, are slightly acerbic and make you go, “Oh, shit! Can you say that?” That’s just what I like because I like to be provoked. I like to be poked by art. For me, it’s more raising questions, forcing people on any side of a particular issue to sort of face what is often absurd about their point of view, or the reasons behind their point of view. Because the truth is as far as I’m concerned, most of the time, the reality lies somewhere in the middle. The truth lies somewhere in the middle. So poking fun at the extremes on any side of any given issue or argument is… I mean, I think that’s just what the show’s always been about."


don't be afraid to enjoy always sunny boys, it's satire at it's finest.. the normies are having a blast!