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  • Ben 10 4x1 "The Secret of the Omnitrix Part 1" Reaction
  • Rome 1x5 "Stealing from Saturn" Reaction

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  • Ben 10 4x2 "The Secret of the Omnitrix Part 2" Reaction
  • Rome 1x6 "Egeria" Reaction 

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Rick is going to update his bad movie list after watching Ben 10 live action movie

Rando calrissian

Well my excitement for watching a blindwave reaction today is completely gone


Even though it's really bad I think it's still good and fun to watch when doing ben10 I enjoy see the good and the bad some of my favorite franchise has to offer plus I really like the rock intro for the movie


Honestly I wouldn’t recommend either of the Ben 10 movies. Race against time isn’t even canon to the main timeline, and destroy all aliens only foreshadows a concept that people to this day complain about as a retcon


Love the theme song rendition


Btw alien force won the poll, but that was obvious from the beginning.


Probably because they thought the guys were starting Alien Force today and not doing Race Against Time

Matthew Grant

They gave plenty of heads up that they would be watching this mate, it's on you if you weren't paying attention


I didn't realize there was such hatred for Race Against Time. Maybe I was just the right age for it when it came out but I remember enjoying it. I was a bit underwhelmed on the whole but thought it was so cool seeing all the aliens in "live action". I may be stepping on a landmine by saying this but Ben 10 is a kids show, it's on the darker, more head-y side but It's about a kid and aimed at kids, and so you do have to level your expectations. And when I was a kid, this movie was a pretty good time. I didn't expect anything more back then and I don't expect anything more now.


I loved this as a kid, was excited when it finally came out, had a magazine that did an article on it and everything, but looking back, those specials effects are rough... Doctor Who looked better two years prior


It saddens me that I had to vote in a movie poll 3 separate times for them to watch the Heavens feel movies (after watching it lose several times before that) but they pick up this unnecessary dumpster fire of a movie... oof.


Oh man. Everything you guys said is exactly why I DIDNT want to see this reaction. But honestly how bad it is made your reactions even better xD