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  • It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia 2x9 "Charlie Goes America All Over Everybody's Ass" Reaction

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  • It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia 2x10 "Dennis and Dee Get a New Dad" Full Length

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Kinda sucks Rick is just bailing on the show


I’m not surprise but yeah…


The show's crass humor isn't for everyone. If he isn't enjoying it after 2 seasons his opinion isn't going to change going forward. Why would you want him to sit through a show he isn't enjoying just to see if he laughs at the jokes you think are funny or not? Then criticize him for not laughing during certain scenes.


I get it but like, I think it's easy for us Always Sunny fans (myself included) to know the trajectory of the show, maybe have watched it at a different time in our lives, and have the perspective (like Eric) of how great it is. Coming into it with the first couple of seasons, even though I personally like them, it's a hard sell. Like, after a couple seasons you tend to know if it's your vibe or not so I think it's fair that he gave it a shot.


be quiet


Oh, Please!! The show humor isn't for everyone, humor is subjective. I may enjoy the show myself, but I can't defend/explain some of the characters racist, homophobic, misogynistic jokes when recommending the show to others.


That's not on, I didn't laugh at the first two seasons either, the show turned out to be my favourite comedy though. I get what ppl are on about now though with comments like this.


Both Rick and Marketa have exhibited more than an ample sense of humor based on how much they've enjoyed other shows, and considering the unkind shit Marketa has had to deal with from people sometimes, she's a damn awesome sport and not as easily offended as you think. She probably deals with offensive stuff better than you would ever be able to if you were in her shoes.

Chaos T

The humor isn't for everyone which is how it is for all comedies. Rick laughed hard at Brooklyn Nine Nine while Calvin hates the show. I'm surprised Rick watched IASIP as long as he did.


@Monica lol chill all I said was it sucks he bailed on the show

Adam Ilioff

It's Always Sunny is not for everyone sucks loosing one of the guys but good to hear Calvin is having "Issues" and will be back. But I can understand Rick not getting a taste for it.


While I sincerely respect your right to have an opinion, I don't believe this is a constructive or respectful way to criticize. Everyone, including the members of Blind Wave, The Normies, and both of their communities are people too and are deserving of respect. Even if it wasn't intended in a rude way, I hope you will come to understand how your words could be hurtful to those reading them. I can't tell you what to do, but I think comments like that detract from the overall positive spirit of the Blind Wave community.

Jon Nelson

You know what your well worded message actually resonates with me, and you’re right, I am a huge fan and supporter of both channels and think there’s too much negativity in both communities already, I don’t need to add to it. I’ll be deleting my comments and try to only add constructive and positive ones from now on, I wish everybody well, I doubt my words hurt anyone, but if they did I apologize. Long Live Blind Wave and The Normies

Chaos T

Having 10+ kidney stones in my lifetime, I feel awful for Calvin. Hope he gets back on his feet soon.


I could see it being the sort of show some need to be in the right mood to enjoy and that make it difficult to enjoy on a week-to-week basis especially with his anxiety playing havoc with his mental and emotional states. Maybe he'll check it out on his own or if the crew has specific episodes to recommend to him. If not that's ok, it's just a show. Plenty of people have not watched it.