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Where did Barry disappear to this time?

Raw Rider Patrons can watch the Full Length Reaction HERE: https://blindwavellc.com/the-flash-9x11-full/



My gut tells me the future, my heart wants it to be back to season 2 for some Zoom


He probably got sent to the future where he’s gonna run into Eddie, but I would love him to get sent to the past again so we can see old characters like Jesse and Harry, I miss them and it’d be nice to see them in the final season


Are you feeling nostalgic in these last final episodes? Because I kind of am from all the OG references & cameos


Maybe to the future? To set in point the "Flash Vanishes From Crisis" news article from 2024 to set the past on the current timeline completely?


Hear me out he is in the negative speech Force because the "Nora" said she can't find him in any time or space, and since it's a negative speed forces blue right now when he got blipped away it was blue


Ok crazy theory time, we know the energy taking him is blue...therefor..he was summoned to fight in the eternal BEEBO war, which we will never escape from, sound logic right there


Well logically he went to the past and saw his parents, came to the present and saw his current family so it stands to reason he'll go Back to the Future to see Nora, Bart and an older Iris.


I'm hoping we can get to see some more things from the past, but it's probably the future with Eddie. If not that then whatever world Eddie's in so he can come across him there instead. So either the past so we can see some cool things, or future/other world to meet with Eddie. Or.. you know, a timeline of just Beebos.


Gotta be Mars... wait no that doesn't make sense


I wonder if he'll have to fight Savitar or Zoom again before the finale part cause Zoom was my 2nd fav villian from Reverse flash

Logan Wright

Unrelated to the poll but fun comic Easter Egg, Malcom and Gilmore are very important names in the comics Malcom Thawne is Cobalt Blue, he is the twin brother of Barry Allen however the doctor that delivered Malcolm and Barry, Dr. Gilmore stole Malcolm and gave him to the Thawnes where he was raised with them instead of the Allen’s

Logan Wright

If I don’t get Eric saying IM SO TORKED by the end of this season was any of it even worth it!

Logan Wright

Eric the DC show you were looking for was called Naomi and it wasn’t apart of the arrowverse, you’re welcome!

Logan Wright

Not related to the poll but you guys talked about where you’d want to live in the arrowverse, well I’m picking Atlantis remember Cisco said it’s above water after crisis


He could be anywhere like maybe in a prior season seeing his future kids or he could be RIGHT BEHIND YOU LOOK OUT


He's obviously going... TO SPAAAACE!!


I think the Future. This reminds me of a Christmas Carol, part 1 was the past, part 2 was the present, so part three has to be the future.


I vote for the past but something tells me he will be going to the past and the future. If he is in the past, it will be a great way to see zoom and maybe savitar again. if its the future, then he will probably see nora and bart. im -pretty suure its gonna be a good episode either ways.. cant believe its one more week to the end of the flash.