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Will Jeremiah be redeemed or is he too far gone?



I think the only way for him to redeem himself is to sacrifice himself for Alex and Kara


He said he was doing all this for family. I still think he's himself.


Sadly I think he will sacrifice himself to save his family, therefore redeeming himself in the process.


He seemed to care for Alex when the tree fell. So he still cares. Hes just reprogrammed. But hopefully he has a way to take control of himself again and return home.


We dont know why he appears to be a betrayer at this point so. I am not gonna say he is a bad guy. My feeling is he could have done allot worse too Martian Manhunter if he was trying to kill him.


Cadmus had him for 15 years so clearly, he drank the kool-aid and signed up for the mission. He barely knew Kara as he's been missing for about as much time as Kara has been on Earth and met John once so likely wasn't hard to turn him against Aliens

Darth Skhorrn

I always kind of figured he'd become Cyborg Superman, given how he played Superman in the 90s and it's just too hammy to pass up. But I think he's going out saving Alex. She's his blood. And he said he did it all for her. Didn't say anything about Kara or his wife.

Etty Gafa

He's bad, and he will never redeem himself, becos he's just a bad guy.

Red Claw

I don't think Jeremiah will sacrifice himself, but I do believe in a redemption for Jeremiah. He would not come back to his family, but is going to be a "Superhero", that helps out in occasion like Jay Garrick. (Dean Cain will always be my prefered Superman. He was my first.)


There is more to his betrayal than we've seen. And the thing about understanding is it's all perception. I am hopeful there is a larger plan for him to find his way home, but I feel he will live to be a Martyr to stop what has been set in motion. Unless they found a way to make him completely compliant I think he is doing what he must to keep his family safe no matter how it appears to us for now.


It almost seems like Cadmus is blackmailing him or something. If so, the show will probably take the cliché route and have him sacrifice himself once it's revealed that he didn't have a choice. If not, I don't really think they'd end up giving him a redemption arc. It just seems too big to tackle this season with the stuff about Mon-El going on too. It would also make it interesting to see the parallel between Jeremiah and Kara's aunt from season 1. She had the last minute redemption and Alex was the one who killed her. Maybe we'll see something similar. (Honestly, couldn't vote cause I'm so on the fence about this.)


I'm still sitting over here waiting for Kara to apologize to Mon-El. SMH!


There's more going on


I hope that this is just a clone or a robot version of jeremiah and they find him at Cadmus. I didn't really like the way they went with that episode.


He is bad, but a theory of mine is that he was "reprogrammed" to be evil, he is part machine now.

rickie woodson

i have hope so.....GOING WITH THE HAPPY ENDING


he's definitely going to sacrifice himself, or they could go the Man of Steel Zod route and Supergirl has no other choice but to kill him... this can lead to a conflict within the Supergirl team and could permanently separate and destroy her relationship with Alex by season 3


I think they will be able to turn him back to the good side especially because I believe there is more to his working with Cadmus then we know right now.


I don't think he ever really went bad. From his reaction to Alex, he aid he was doing it for her. My guess is Cadmus has something against his daughters that is making him have to work for them. It's not his choice.