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Will Kyle think that Jonathan has super powers?

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I think Kyle will learn it’s Jordan, then put 2 and 2 together and figure out Clark is Superman this season.


I think Kyle will think it is someone else, or Superman himself. Though, I think Superboy should reveal himself to Kyle (as Superboy, not Jordan) to help his brother out.


If it was me, I would just think Superman did it. Or do the general public not know that he has frost breath?


I would like to think that Lana, with Clark's permission, will eventually tell Kyle about the super family if his investigation gets too heated (no pun intended). It might even make him understand Jonathan more on why he joined the fire fighters


Kyle will probably confront Jonathan about it but somehow will find out the truth about it being Jordan.


Kyle is currently the only one in the cast that doesn’t know about superman. I think Jonathan or somehow slip up Kyle will find out this season.


I think that if things like this keep happening, and Jonathan keeps looking bad, Kyle will start to discover things and try to figure it out, but he'll be just a little wrong. So instead of putting 2 + 2 together to get 4, he'll get like 3 or 5. I also think Kyle will eventually figure out Clark/Jordan are Supers, but I think he'll get there himself over the course of time. Not sure how long from now, or how he'll do it, but I think eventually, he'll be in the know.


He will think it’s Johnathan the figure out it’s actually Jordan he will then tell Clark his son has powers but won’t figure out Clark is Superman. Think about it if their was a superman irl and he didn’t wear a mask would you think they would have a secret identity. But the fact Jordan wears one will tip him off


I think Kyle figures out that Kent has powers and would betray them like Dan from Lucifer. R.I.P. (P.s. Maurer rhymes with Shower)


I really hope he does find out because it seems like his entire family knows except for him and the youngest daughter

Artemis LA

Kyle will probably think that Jonathan is using X-K again and that he would believe to be the cause of the powers.

Count Monte-Cristo

I am not watching this shows but, questions in those polls are so bazaar 😅