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Is the end sequence real?

Raw Rider Patrons can watch the Full Length Reaction HERE: https://blindwavellc.com/barry-4x04-full/



I think it's real because we see most of the scene from the kid's point of view


Bill Hader confirmed it is a time jump in his interview on the Ringer Prestige TV pod ✨

Cl4-tp gaming Channel

It’s all the same background from all of Barry’s hallucinations since season 2. It’s where we saw him meet Fuces as a child, and has popped up to show Barry’s slipping on reality through the series


I think yes it is real. last season after sally was verbally abused by barry at the office she went and got him spaghetti and a doughnut. I think the symbolism of the alcohol and the doughnut as well as the son seeming to have the rage of Barry has shows this is the inevitable dark end to their relationship. Which feels quite real


We've seen them do a time jump before when they jumped to Barry and Sally already in a relationship hanging out with Gene and Janice at Big Bear and we all thought it was another one of Barry's dream sequences so I'm pretty sure they did that again just way more extreme


Yeah but you’re wrong with 31% of us, it has been shot and feels like all his other hallucinations/dream sequences.

Daniel Bjork

I hope not. I don’t like time jumps, particularly when there’s still unresolved stories in the time they’re jumping from. And if it isn’t a full on time jump, and they’re spending the next couple of episodes filling in the story between now and then, well that’s narratively very difficult to pull off since we know where things are heading.


Every dream from Barry shows Barry and Sally happy together. White picket fence, loving neighbors. This was not that. I think it's a real Flashforward, like Arrow S7 or Better Call Saul. Not a full on time jump.


It felt like reality, that’s why I say it’s a dream


Just because the “dream” felt so mundane, I wanna say that it’s real. Plus, I really think Barry would’ve named his actual son Jon because of his love for Jon Hamm from S1

Meryl Smith

It feel like a dream, but also feels like it could be real, so I'm gonna lean on the side of it being real


When taken in context with the preceding scene (Sally telling Barry she wants to leave with him), it make sense that it's real. Also, it seems like Barry is happy in his previous hallucinations regarding the future. There's no aura of idealism in this one. All three family members look exasperated.


I believe it exists in a micro verse inside of the Barryverse