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Did Blind Wave convince you to stop looking at spoilers and marketing material?

Raw Rider Patrons can watch the Full Length Reaction HERE: https://blindwavellc.com/the-flash-9x09-full/



For me, as someone who loves to watch and make films, I care more about how its done. Like I knew about Oliver and everything, but they could've easily screwed it up. So I wish I wouldn't know, but honestly I'm too impatient to not look.


I stopped looking at spoilers … even having played tlou kinda ruined season 1 for me… I can imagine how amazing it would have been without… that’s why I’m not playing season 2


Y’all definitely influenced me to cut out all marketing material except maybe a first trailer if I have absolutely no idea what to think and my enjoyment has increased exponentially. I thank you for encouraging this change. 👍🏻


To be completely honest my all of my first times seeing or learning anything about any show is watching full length with you all first. So I get to experience the joy and wonder of the episode for the first time while seeing you all experience it for the first time too. Exceptions being some of the few things I’ve seen in the past. I much prefer this way as it great to let the storytelling do it’s work


I stopped looking; however this episode was spoiled a little. I knew Stephen Amell would be in the episode. I did not know we would get Dig and Bloodwork.

Impulse08 Graphic Design

Most every show I see news on these days, it’s hard to escape seeing something. except Titans on HBOmax. Those episodes have been surprising me, I never see any news ahead of time for those episodes.

Jeff Knapp

I try to avoid spoilers for certain shows and movies especially anything Star Wars and MCU related


I stopped watching trailers, beyond a certain point, and I do my best to avoid spoilers. It's a significantly better experience. But, for the life of me, I cannot escape Arrowverse spoilers. They announce every big return or new character. In their defense though, set photos leak, every time. They need to fix that, so I can scroll through my Instagram explore page in peace.


It’s one of the main reasons I subscribed to blind wave since flash season 2 you made me resaliese just watching trailers made me enjoy things less now I try and be as blind as possible and I am forever grateful


I just look at them and have for a couple seasons now because I want to know if it looks like it is still worth the watch... And I am definitely here for the last season let's leave it at that

Brandon Hanks

It hard to say. General speaking it depends on what is spoiled, and I don’t mean rumors. See, for example, knowing that Nicole Maines or Stephen Amell are returning to TheFlash/Arrowverse doesn’t bother me if anything it actually make me more excited for those episodes. Now with that being said what I would hate being spoiled on would be what is going to happen/plot like know that Avengers Infinity War was gonna end with half of the heroes being snapped out of existence. The way I look at it just knowing an actor is in something usually doesn’t tell you anything. Because it make me more excited to see how that actor is gonna be used. So as long it’s not plot related I don’t care.


I did watch trailers and spoilers a lot, but I think around Supergirl Season 1 with the reveal who Jon was, I never caught that trailer and it blew my mind. That's when I knew Blind Wave was right. Stopped watching trailers for tv-show and only watch one or maybe two for movies. It improved my excitement a lot


I don't watch as much, but Steven tweeted about it and a movie Podcaster spoiled it in a thumbnail. Stuff like that makes it hard.


i found out by stephen amell tweet soo?


Don’t know if you guys realized, but the speech Ollie gave Barry was similar to the one he gave him on the rooftop in the pilot.


I try not to look for spoilers but sometimes it just shows up on my TikTok fyp and I’m like “well can’t wait for that” but that’s it.

Jassan Brown

When a certain character was revealed to me in the marketing for DBS Broly, I decided to convert to BW's style of watching stuff. I try my best to avoid spoilers but sometimes it's easier said than done


I will never forgive a youtuber who put Darth Vader from Jedi Fallen Oder in the thumbnail only like 2 or 3 days after launch. I unsubbed after that and i'm still bitter about it.


I'm 49 and from Chile, South america, to be honest i never see marketing material for anything and i'm really bad at social media, so i've been always spoiler free, and i would not change it for anything. The moment i saw this episode and jumped out of my chair with excitement, all i wanted was to go on YouTube and see if you guys were as surprised as me, and you were. So that's a feeling and an experience i wouldn't trade.


I still look. But I look considerably less than I used to. I used to hunt the internet for spoilers

Andreas Froby

Social media algoritms find me spoiler either way


I stopped, because before the last season of GOT I was so excited I looked all over & saw so many theories and “spoilers/leaks”! And I think my enjoyment of the end was so much worse than it would've been had I just watched without so many expectations! But Silver Lining: I found BlindWave (Calvin’s first time watching GOT) & got to experience & love many things I never would've considered watching before that! So thank you!!!


I’ve known for months but it didn’t ruin my experience. If anything it got me even more excited while watching the episode. But I did stop watching the season and episode trailers. so I knew less in this season than any before.


I only watch the teaser and first official trailers for everything now and that’s it. My experience has been a lot better for it. I never understood looking at leaks and stuff.

Logan Wright

Not sure if you guys noticed this but at the end when Barry asks Oliver if he’s doing enough and Oliver says are you speeding through your city like a guardian angel and are you giving them hope mirrored the first time we see Barry and Oliver talk at the end of the Flash pilot episode!

Nate Prouty

I don’t actively seek out spoilers, but I also don’t go out of my way to avoid them.


I will be on YouTube and the tv promos thumbnail was Stephen amell. On a side note anyone know where to watch season 1 of flash or earlier seasons of arrow


I didn't stop looking at spoilers because of the channel, but my rule of thumb for a long time now has been: if I know I'm going to watch something, I don't need to see the trailer for it. Trailers are ads and I don't need to be convinced to see something I was already going to watch.


I avoided everything for the last episode and popped out of my chair when Oliver showed up. So many emotions, and it was all so natural without knowing ahead of time!

Jeremy Ocasio

I definitely limit myself on spoilers now I used to overanalyze weekly trailers for shows and other things like that but that's wayyy too much information before you even get to the episode, now I avoid any "next time on"s and only watch one to two trailers per piece of media, occasionally l'll get small spoilers (or a few big ones with anime be manga readers can't stfu) but I don't seek that stuff out anymore. ALSO WATCHING SHOWS WEEKLY IS BETTER, INSTEAD OF BINGING ALL OF IT IN A WEEK

Daniel Sessions

This isn't about the poll it's a cool fact about the episode that I'm surprised no else is really mentioning, maybe I'm the only one who thinks it is cool. But, the speech that Oliver gives to Barry at the end of episode is a mirroring of the speech Oliver gave him in episode 1 of the series about being a hero. "That bolt of lightening didn't strike you Barry I think it choose you. You can inspire people in a way that I never could. Watching over your city like a guardian angel." I thought that was just so wildly good and would have a perfect way to bookend the series as a whole! Why wasn't this the last episode?!

Logan Wright

The Flash and Stargirl had cameos in Titans! Brec Bassinger came back to film a new scene as Stargirl with Beastboy!


I never go look for spoilers. But there are lots of people who spoil in comment sections. They do watch all those spoilery things and think it's their duty to share that with the rest of us. I hate it. I get that those people are excited about the news and want to talk about it. I just wish they add a spoiler warning, it's not that hard. Even in the Blind Wave Poll comment section it has happened. The poll for Barry 4x4 you asked a question. And apparently people know the answer. So yeah, I know now too. The story didn't tell me but some lady did. Thanks lady. SO DO NOT READ THE 4X4 POLL OF BARRY AT THE START OF BARRY 4X5.


Ive tried to go into things as blind as possible but sometimes it has a way of just getting to you.


I used to watch trailers and do look at "details you might have missed" videos after watching the content, I actually found your channel when I was looking for stuff to watch after starting the flash and have been a watcher/supporter ever since. I now avoid looking at anything about anything to spoil something unless I see you guys reacting to it.