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RWBY Volume 4 Chapter 3 REACTION!! "Of Runaways and Stowaways"

Eric Calvin and Aaron react to and discuss volume 4 chapter 3 of RWBY Of Runaways and Stowaways Vote in our polls and see certain Blind Wave videos early!! http://www.patreon.com/blindwave ORIGINAL VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VkBEzyHcbAU Blind Wave is Sponsored on Patreon by: Agent Jay and Shizuka the Cat Website http://www.blindwave.net Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/blindwaveprod FaceBook : http://www.facebook.com/BlindWaveProductions Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/blindwave Discord: https://discord.gg/qYm8c9g Snapchat: blind_wave Subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/blindwave Send us Stuff at: P.O.


Weiss Schnee

Refreshing has paid off


Dust is activated by aura. NOT everything is dust. Dust ammo or weapons are merely used as elemental buffs to weapons.


least fav episode right here urrrr


I love the after discussion. Gives me food for thought. I caught that Yang's arm was specially designed on Ironwood's commission. I wonder if that means it'll have special properties that bog standard prosthetics won't. That said, being Yang's, I assume it has to be able to take a beating, given her fighting style. Could be a way of explaining that. Also the jumps I assumed were cause of their aura. It allows them to take some pretty big hits, I just figured whatever it does to brace them against hits can also be used to, like, strengthen their muscles so they can hit harder and jump higher. That kinda thing. Loving the vids, can't wait until next week :)


NON-SPOILER ANSWER: Dust can be used with semblances. In Volume 2 on the train, Blake used the dust given to her by Weiss to imbue her shadow clones with rock and ice.


Yeah, they've pretty much just upped their jumping abilities a lot, but it's never really bothered me. Also, going through this again with you guys and being able to focus more on what exactly everyone's doing, I can get people's complaint about their sudden ability to super jump and the physics not always making sense (though I've seen enough shounen anime to not really care), but I just personally don't really see anything wrong with the actual choreography. It's a giant, flying Grimm. Of course there's going to be a lot of jumping at it, getting a few hits in, and then getting knocked back, but I loved the Naruto-esque clone throw, the homage to Final Fantasy VII Advent Children (unless that was just a coincidence), the cool shot of Sun about to get eaten by the Grimm, and so much more. I acknowledge the fight's flaws (at least the ones that I can actually recognize), but I just can't really see this as one of the worst fights in the series. I really like it, actually, even more than the fight in episode 1 if we're comparing to other Volume 4 fights.


so you guys have to watch the WoR next time ^^ i really enjoy WoR videos cuz they always give you something <3


Hey guys. I am asking for a big favor to redirect the finale of ATLA because the finale is a really important episode with every moment significant in many ways. Every minute could be discussed for hours. Plus there is a ton of action that would be a shame to cut out. I understand that you can't play the whole footage of the final 4 episodes (The finale is broken down into 4 parts), so it would be nice to redirect the video into a source that would allow people to see all of it. Or at least break each of the 4 episodes into parts to put as much footage as possible. The finale of the show is one of the greatest finales I have ever seen in my life. Please show all the content or fine some way to do so. The reaction isn't enjoyable in 10 minutes. I would be fine with the full content for just the last two in particular. Thanks for being great content creators.


You guys look tired, get some rest If you can :)


If you've ever seen Naruto, I always thought Blake's clones were like his in that show. They are physical copies of Blake that basically have 1hp, meaning they disappear or die after taking a hit like when Adam cut Blake's head off last season. As far as the jumping, I know this show treats people like Avatar does in that they are far sturdier and more capable than they would be in our world but the only people who have been shown to jump that far are Faunus like Sun and Blake, for what that's worth. Awesome discussion guys!


Sun's ability is far more like Naruto's clones. Well both Sun and Blake's semblances are similar.


I'm pretty sure for them to jump like that, they use their aura. They've been able to jump like that since volume 3 or at least from what I remember.


I think the relic is the cane too or in the cane


Huntsmen and Huntresses use their Aura to power up their otherwise "normal" fighting techniques. That's why even regular objects like bread and celery are (stabbing through the floor) dangerous in the hands of a skilled Huntsman (ep2x1). Similarly, they can implement it into their body to absorb damage as was explicitly stated, or to perform other superhuman feats, like jumping from rooftop to rooftop as Cinder did in "Dance Dance Infiltration". Jaune is likely the only one who can't do these things (yet or well, as he is starting to "slice air"), and it is very noticeable in the first episode of this volume.


Guys the choreography sorts itself out by the next fight just think of these first two as a temporary blip in quality.


cant wait for episode 6 and 7!! Hype!


blind wave needs to make an "I am eaten!" shirt


semblance is a manifestation of aura and weapons like her arm can be enhanced with aura

Vincent Rice

in regards to Ruby's little tornado, she was doing this in previous seasons. I don't remember seeing it in season 1, but I know for a fact that she used it in the first episode of season 2 during the food fight. She also used it again when she had to go up against Mercury. It seems reasonable to me that Ruby's skills have improved, especially since she's been spending the last six months or so traversing a wilderness filled with Grimm. After all as Qrow said, "Every day out there, is worth a week in this place".