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Uber Rider Videos:

  • Brooklyn Nine-Nine 8x10 "The Last Day - Part 2" Reaction
  • It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia 1x5 "Gun Fever" Reaction

Fortnight Rider Videos:

  • It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia 1x6 "The Gang Finds a Dead Guy" & 1x7 "Charlie Got Molested" Reaction 

Raw Rider Videos:

  • Brooklyn Nine-Nine 8x10 "The Last Day - Part 2" Full Length
  • It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia 1x5 "Gun Fever" Full Length
  • It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia 1x6 "The Gang Finds a Dead Guy" & 1x7 "Charlie Got Molested" Full Length

Four-Sight Rider Videos:




Did anyone see the trailer for chairlie days new movie? Holy jeez that looks sooo bad 🤮


we should throw a party when always sunny enters 1080p


Racism is NOT prejudice + power. The fact that you guys think you can’t be racist to white people is concerning




Wait what? Did they actually say you can't be racist towards white people?


I don't see how saying that power is included means you can't be racist to white people... Not all white people have power, and not all poc don't.


Towards the end of the discussion they are talking about slurs for white people and how they basically aren't a thing because you are "punching up" and white people are the ones "in power". Its just another variation of the BS post-modern line of reasoning that racism is ONLY "prejudice + power."


That's a long leap of logic your taking about an accurate observation about why slurs against white people are less common to mean you can't be racist against white people. A long leap.


@Jacob Morris First slurs against white people are not "less common," there are plenty of slurs against white people they just don't have the same weight and offensiveness as other slurs do, which I agree with. But that doesn't mean the slurs themselves are not racist and have no power. Second, why is it a long leap? If you are someone who doesn't think a white person can be hurt or effected by slurs specifically targeted towards their skin because of their position of power, why should I believe that they would also think that you could be racist against them? They have already shown that they don't care about racist slurs being used, why would they care about racist actions?


I find the whole thing of "power" to be rather silly. Can a black person be racist towards some one from Asia? Who holds the power there? Can a person of Mexican decent be racist towards some one of Indian decent? Who decides these "levels" of power? If a wealthy Black Man attacks a homeless white person simply based on the homeless man skin color is that not racism? IMO Racism just flat out boils down to ignorance, stupidity and hate. Yes, power certainly can help lead to, propagate and enforce racism but to say it's the one defining factor that rules out all else is just an excuse to spread more hate ✌🏻Peace✌🏻 💓Love💓 ✊🏻Respect✊🏻


Does anyone know when we’ll be getting their reaction to the last episode of My Hero? Idk if I missed an announcement but I keep checking and it’s been two weeks 💔

Jack Jackson

Next week. They were busy in London but by next week all of them should be back.

Rando calrissian

They're not back yet? But Eric just did a reaction to the Zelda game and it looked like he was in the studio

chris crookham

Um I think u miss understood something. I only remember them thinking of slurs towards christians. The religious group they didn't mention anything about white people specifically. Unless u assume all christians are white people

Chaos T

I believe Aaron stayed another week in London because of a Pokemon event.


Omg just say yall don't look at systems critically and shut up. Racism is a system of power. Power to dominate and control institutions that promotes structured violence onto a group. Someone saying a slur to a white person is not an example of this. It's moreso an example of the anger and divide that has been created by those who created this structure!!. Obviously racism is bad but come on guys, it's so much more complex 🙄


I don't think anybody is saying that systemic racism isn't a thing, they're just saying that simple racism doesn't hinge on "power". If a white dude goes to China and is racist towards Chinese people obviously he is a racist, even if technically he isn't in power in that situation. It's as simple as that, and is an almost separate conversation from systemic racism in various (probably all) countries.