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Do you think there is a spy or traitor among The Mandalorians? If so, comment who down below.

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The Spies 1) Elia Kane 2) The Armourer. Been pretty suspicious of her all season and this solidified that for me. - Gideon would need a master forger for all his beskar troopers and his armour. - Her helmet and Gideons being very similar could be another hint towards it. - Conveniently leaving the planet before the troopers appear. - Highlighting the curse of mandalore hoping that Mando/Bo Katan wouldn’t visit hoping to not discover the imperial presence on Mandalore Bold take. The Armourer is a Maul follower


I believe there is someone in the covert who is not truly loyal to the Mandalorians. I feel it might very well be the Armorer or should I say Rook Kast.


I would say yes. But I don't say its the survivors. They would be way to obvious. Of course you would suspect the new ones you barely know and who just happened to run into you. If its really them... that would be kinda a boring reveal


My issue with the Armorer spy theory is that Mando spent the first two seasons with something Gideon wanted...Grogu. The Mandalorians actively thwarted his initial recapture. She also put Din on course to contact a Jedi and we saw Gideons reaction to Luke showing up. Gideon reacting to the thought that different tribes were uniting was telling as well. When I think of Spies, I think Elia Kane, the Shadow Council and Gideon being based on Mandalore. It did seem weird that the Empire just showed up in the second episode, but they were already there. As a bonus I imagine Din's ship is with the fleet along with R5 so technically there's a spy for the New Republic present as well.


I unfortunately think it may be the Armorer there was something suspicious about the show cutting back to her flying back the fleet multiple times


Nah. That isn't the way.


I feel like it is the Armorer, and not just based on the weird instance of flying back to the fleet this episode. Frankly, her actions in the previous episodes have felt kinda off to me. For two seasons she talks about the purity of their way and puts down Bo-Katan a lot. Then Bo-Katan walks into the covert and is welcomed with open arms after basically being disgraced by all Mandalorians, especially these guys. Other instances that seemed weird are when Bo said she saw the Mythosaur but the Armorer didn't believe her, only to then believe her in the very next episode. And then the Armorer asks Bo to take off her helmet as a way to bring Mandalorians together, but she was really quick to throw out Din for removing his helmet even after saying her life. So idk, things just feel really off to me. My theory is that she's trying to get rid of Bo-Katan and the other Mandalorians who "stray from the way" so they're able to start from scratch. It would definitely be an interesting twist and I'd be most curious to see what it does for Din's character.

Jason Lopez

Shame on all of you that doubt the Armorer!! 😂😂


There is actually a confirmed spy on screen in this episode. R5 is on the Gauntlet when they descend. Will the Rangers be pinged? Carson Teva seems to think Mandos have helped Gideon escape. He would likely have requested updates from his droid friend. And I for one wouldn’t mind some more Zeb in mando. 🥳


I think the show is doing a rope-a-dope... misleading us. Beskar being left at the shuttle (Gideon has beskar) Showing us long shots of the Armourer going to the ship... trying to sew seeds of distrust between us and the Mandalorians. No Spies ... other than the Shadow Council (and Elia Kane on Coruscant of course)


I also see some X-Wings showing up for the space battle.


Probably just cope but I've heard how "The Spies" title may just be a clever reference to the jewish story of The Twelve Spies where Moses sent scouts to look at unknown land like the group of volunteers Bo gatherted. Probably just BS but please for the love of god let the Armourer not be a spy.


I'm suspicious of those Mandos that arrived on the Sail Skiff and I believe the injured Mandos that the Armorer is bringing back to the fleet may not really be injured. I mean how did they get hurt? And the more I think about it I fear The Armorer may be a traitor as well, just as Aaron suggested. I would be really sad if she betrays Din & Bo-Katan.


Its The Armorer


This is all a misunderstanding. The title of the episode was supposed to be 'The Spikes' (a reference to Gideon and the Armorer's helmets.)


I do believe it might be the Armorer. The horns sure make it seem like she was a Mauldalorian. Maybe Gideon was also one, since he also has horns on his new helmet. That would explain why he has always been so obsessed with Mandalore and, in give him more agency in the matter. I think that what tie it all up nicely. However I don't want her to be the spy so let's just hope it was that random kid they kept, awkwardly showing last episode. (Although he did look suspiciously like Korkie).


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